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AN// If you didn't notice there's a new cover from @wonubees . Thank youuuu !


Nick's POV

" Don't cry Jo. " I tried to comfort her. I stood up from my side , crouching in front of her. I rubbed her back in circles & whispered sweet things in her ear. Her breathing was making me scared so I tried to prevent another asthma attack,

She finally looked up with her grey eyes & her plump lips that had a natural pout. Her makeup was running down her cheeks but still she looked beautiful. " I-I bet I look like a mess , I'm s-sorry. " I shook my head , letting out a chuckle. If only she knew that I found her absolutely stunning but of course I would never tell her that.

" It's fine. Let's get you in the house . " She nodded & another hiccup escaped her lips. She was ad- Shut up Nick. She is not adorable.

We went back into the crowded house with sweaty bodies that smelled really ,really bad. She intertwines our hands without even thinking but I don't pull away instead I tighten the grip. I pull her through everybody not bothering to say excuse me because Im Nick.

We make our way up the stairs into her room & I sit her on her bed. " Look I'm just going to take off your shoes & wipe off your make up okay ? " She nods & I start taking off her stuff. I take off each sock &  shoe while making sure she's okay at the same time. I go into her bathroom & get some tissue & wet it.

" Okay I'm going to take off your makeup. " I softly wipe off , over the top of her forehead soft & gently. She flinches & starts laughing out of no where. " What ? "

" A-Are you using tissue ? " I nod & she laughs harder. " In the bottom of the sink is makeup wipes. You'll be here forever without it. " I go into the bathroom like she said & a blue packet with wipes in it is at the bottom of the sink.  I hate this makeup shit I swear to god.

I continue to take it off & I swear this wipe has some cleaning powers. It just easily came off like she said. I bet this shit cost like 10 dollars , I don't even know why girls spend that much on makeup its ridiculous . After taking all of it off she lays down on the bed facing the ceiling.

" Do you want me to help you with your clothes ? " I ask & she jumps up from her spot. She looks at me with fear almost as if I asked her if I wanted to take off her clothes or something. " What 's wrong ? " She backed up in the corner when I stepped closer. " Did I say something ? "

" Stay away " She whispered not breaking eye contact with me. I was confused on what I said that mad her so jumpy. She slid her back down the corner & brought her knees to her chest. " Please don't hurt me. " I don't know if it was because she was drunk or she was crazy.

" What are you talking about ? I won't hurt you. " I hesitantly walked up to her & crouched down a few inches in front of her. " Y-You're not going to hurt me ? " She whimpered. Tears rolled down her now rosy cheeks. I shook my head & brought my hand to her knee but pulled back when she flinched.

" But you said you wanted to take off my c- "

" No no no no . I asked if you wanted me to help you because I know when you're drunk its hard & it's uncomfortable sleeping in your party clothes. " Still I didn't understand why she was so scared. " Did something happen to you ? " She sat criss crossed her legs & picked at her finger nails. Her mood changes is weird.

" You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. "

" You know a lot anyways so why not. Its kind of weird because I barley know you. Anyways no names or anything also the only reason I'm comfortable with talking to you because you'll just be a stranger with all my secrets. "

That was ... deep.

" By the way Zion is the only person who know's about this. " I nodded for her to continue. " When I was very young , probably 9 or 10. Uh I was sexually abused. By somebody in my family. It wasn't my dad or anything but It happened 3 times. S- That person I mean , didn't have sex with me but they touched me & hit me . It was awful. It started with just taking my clothes off then it went on to touching & the last thing I won't tell you because honestly it's disgusting. "

I listen to her every word & didn't speak at all. This girl goes through so much & here she is telling me , A person who she only met a few hours ago.

" The reason I was jumpy wasn't only cause of that though. It was because when I lost my virginity at 16 , My boyfriend at the time hit me because I didn't wanna have sex with him after I lost it. It was his fault but it was also my father's fault. He forced the boy with me but I felt like he used me so I wanted to leave him. My father told him if he left me he would kill him & knowing my father he would. I only got with that boy because of him he wouldn't let me with anybody else so I had no other choice. Long story short I fell in love with him but then I wasn't feeling it anymore. I honestly felt used . He abused me & hit me all the time. He hit me because he was afraid .  I left him when I was 17 & I never saw that boy again. Like ever again , we went to the same school , we lived on the same block , he worked for my dad for Christ's sake ! I'm pretty sure he's gone. " She went from sad to angry in a matter of seconds,  again with her mood swings.

Her dad sounds like a total dick . If I was her I would've left too , I would've been left home. I can't imagine what she went through as a kid. The abuse must've been hard to deal with , I never went through anything like that. I don't think I've met anybody that has.

" Wow. " Is all I can say. I mentally slapped myself for saying it. Wow , that's all you can come up with Nick. " I mean uh I'm sorry , I don't know how to respond to that. I never had to talk about that with anybody so its kind of different to me. " I apologized . she left out a giggle & shook her head.

" It's fine. Could you help me up? " She held out her hands & I pulled her up when I stood up. " I know I should be begging for your trust but for some reason I trust you. I don't usually tell people my secrets its probably because I'm drunk but thanks . " She hugged me which made me stumble back . I wrapped my arms around her , I was not expecting that at all.

" No problem. You should really get some rest. " I told her as I pulled away. She nodded & went to her bag of clothes picking out some sleeping clothes & she laid them out on the bed. " I'm gonna go , okay ? " Her smile faded before forcing another one. It was almost as if she was sad I was leaving but I doubt it.

" Goodnight Jo. "

" Night Nick. "

Trouble // Nick Mara AUWhere stories live. Discover now