Twenty - two

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Josie's POV

" Jo wassup sis , where you been at ? " 

" Uh I'm in LA. " My voice was shaky & I could feel the phone slipping from my sweaty palms.

" You okay ? " 

" No , not at all. You need to come here asap . Zion is in a coma please Elom Ill pay you & grams ticket. " I blurted out. I didn't mean to be straight forward but I couldn't shoot around the hoop. 

" Woah , woah ! What happened ? Are you guys okay ? " 

" No especially not Zion . I need you to get your stuff packed. I'll get you guys a flight tomorrow. " Nick couldn't even bare to hear as he walked out the room into the hallway , pacing back & forth. It was silence on the other end until I heard sniffles. Im crying all over again.

" H-He's my brother Jo I can't lose him please tell the doctors to save him. " He sobbed. 

" I promise I will. Is grams there ? " I heard shuffling & minutes later I heard her yelling/. Zion's grandmother was young , about 50 years old. She was a tough one though. She was never the type to cry.

" Jocelyn , what's happening ?! "

" Please step away from Elom , this is going to be a lot. "

" Okay tell me baby. "

" Zion he got shot I don't know by who but I found him in his house. We were rushing to the hospital with Austin & I guess because he was speeding a truck crashed into us. He's in a coma & the doctors said there's a high chance that he won't wake up. "

" Oh my lord. Was it that Nick boy ? I swear to god I would whip his jersey boy ass ! " 

" Wait Nick ? No , he's actually here. Why you guessed Nick ? " I never knew Nick was a problem to Zion. Was there something he wasn't telling me ? 

" That boy is trouble ever since Zion moved up there he's been in a lot of trouble. Did you know Zion got locked up because Nick left him in alley full of drugs ? Thank god a witness said Zion didn't have anything do with it. Another time a girl claimed rape on the boys because Nick tried something on her when she was drunk. "

" I didn't know. " I don't know why Zion would even keep something like this from me. Nick has a lot more history than what I'm hearing. The hopes of us even being friends is down the drain. 

" But Grams I need you on a flight tomorrow. I'll send you the information tonight. " I changed the conversation & after that we exchanged a few words. 

Nick was deep into trouble & I would never think that of him. He judges me but he has worse past than me. I called in the boy & he looks stressed out. I can't blame him.

" Could you do me a favor ? " I ask him & he looks at me questionably. " Could you pay for Zion's brother & grandmother's ticket to here ? I'll pay you back the minute I'm in my apartment ? " 

" what ? " He laughed. " That crazy ass lady ? Fuck no. "

" Nick come on . Its his grandmother ! Please. " 

" Why ? So she can come up here & judge me ? I think the fuck not. You pay for it. " 

" If I could I would but right now I don't have anything on me. could you please do it for Zion atleast ? " 

" fine ! " He grumbled. He snatched his phone from my hand & pressed a few buttons. " There , two tickets to LA.  " He rolled his eyes & slumped back into the chair. I told him to text the last number the information. 

" Why don't you like her ? I know she has a reason not to like you but why ? "

" What did that lady tell you ? " His eyes darkened & he clenched his jaw. He sat up & waited for me to speak.I cleared my throat from suddenly being dry. I don't know if it was because he looked hot as fuck or because I was scared.

" That you just are problems for Zion. " I shrugged. 

" Yeah okay. You don't know me so please shut the fuck up." He snapped. Not my fault he's a little piece of shit. He's always angry like I wanna know who gave him wack sex. 

" Get the fuck out my face before I  throw something at your stupid ass. " 

After that we didn't argue he kind of knew I wasn't joking. He always finds a reason to argue with me. 


How do you stop your serial killer ass brothers from killing one of your friends ? Oh you can't.

My brothers saw my picture on the news and decided to come to the hospital. Nick went to take care of a few things so I guess it was the perfect timing. I know my brother's had something to do with Zion and I just want to get to the bottom of it.

" So you didn't do anything to Zion ? You didn't send your men to Kill Nick but instead they shot Zion ? If that's what you're trying to tell me I don't believe you at all. He's my best friend Lucky ! The only reason I'm talking to you right now is because I know you don't like killing people. But tell the truth ! " To say I was angry was a under statement. 

" I promise you Blair . We was going to but Ace stopped Ceon. We wouldn't even be here right now. " I didn't believe them my best friend was in the hospital because of my own blood. Imagine how I feel right now.

" How is he holding up ? " The nerve this boy has. 

" Um I don't know .... in a fucking coma. How do you think ? " I snapped at him. He scoffed & got up from his seat & walked out. He thinks I'm that gullible to believe him . Wow .

Lucky went down stairs to the lunchroom with the other liars & I sat in the hospital room by myself. I honestly miss Nick's company. He's not bad when he's calm & collective. He had a bad temper but I know he is actually nice. Find that hard to believe right ? yeah me too.

I know my brothers only came to the hospital to see if I changed my mind on Nick. They wouldn't risk coming here to reveal my identity if that was the case.

" Hello ? " 

" Come in " I said to the nurse. The nurse had a mask on & her head low. She seemed shady but I'll let it go she's only here to give me antibiotics ,

After preparing the dosage she gave me a look before sticking it in the tube. I panicked a little because that's not how she's supposed to do it. " Wait ! What are you doing ? You're not supposed ... What's happening ? Fuck I feel dizzy . " My head fell back as I brought my hand to my forehead to try & ease the pain. The nurse ran out of the room & I pressed the alarm button that was in my other hand. 

" Nick ... " I whispered. I could barley talk or breathe , my head pounding from whatever she gave me. " Help ... please. " 

I felt myself falling into a deep sleep heavily . I didn't know what was happening I saw blue scrubs & my eyes fell closed. I was trying to scream help & fight but my body said something different. 

" Miss are you okay ? Miss ? ... "


Nick's POV ..


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