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Flashback: Age 16

Mer's POV

Blake had been acting weird lately, well weirder I guess. He had stopped coming to my house every day after school and just started acting distant around me. I wasn't sure what was going on but I guessed that it was the fact that we hadn't spent summer together. After summer things had changed, our conversations were definitely a whole lot more cautious and serious. We didn't stay up watching cartoons and fall asleep only wake up with stiff necks (because of Blake hogging up space on my bed), anymore at night at my house. Blake had been focused on track events as well as football and credited his absence to the overload of, as he liked to call it 'school stuff'. However we'd still go out on Friday to watch the stars and just talk. That's the only thing that hadn't changed,maybe becasue it was tradition. Blake seemed to be growing away from me and as much as I didn't think that it wouldn't happen, he was now popular. He was now one of the jocks, the typical high school football players that felt entitled to making students who didn't fit into their criteria feel worse about themselves than they did already. Well Blake's personality hadn't changed, that why I still loved him so much but he still hung out with them which made me feel like I didn't know him at all anymore.

Blake's POV

After I returned from summer, my relationship with Mer had changed. I found myself have mini panic attacks when I called her 'butterfly' or when I told her I loved her. I would always say these thing effortlessly but now I couldn't even look at her without getting nervous. I was scared of acting weird around her, something I didn't think was possible because she had been the only person who really knew me and I knew it didn't bother her or come as a surprise to her. I distanced myself from her because something now felt weird when I was around her. I knew she had noticed all of this but I couldn't do anything about it. It just felt so weird when I was around her and I felt lonely when I wasn't with her. Mer was always bubbly, she was always smiling and she always used to laugh at my jokes. She had one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen, I liked watching her laugh. She had gorgeous Hazel colored eyes that I always used to look at. Gosh she was so beautiful. I used to look at her when she wasn't aware of it, she had hints of freckles on her forehead and around her eyes, that may have been the weirdest thing to have but on her they made her even prettier. I loved how she'd complain about the smallest things, like those freckles and how I'd always tell her that she was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes on ,I loved how she'd shrug my comments off and say that I was lying to her just because I was her best friend ( even though I meant every word, she definitely was the most beautiful person I had ever met inside as well as outside.) I loved how she'd look in the mirror and say

"Blake look at this I look like a ripe banana,"she would say while pointing on those freckles looking in the mirror while I lay on her bed.

"Well you're one fine banana then," I would reply, knowing nothing would make her stop worrying. I started missing her more and more and I was looking forward to Friday. A few days later Friday arrived and as always I waited for her after class and we started making our way home. Mer was complaining about drama and the school play but I wasn't really paying attention. I was just nodding and thinking about how awkward I felt just being around her. We quickly got to her house and I said goodbye and I continued to make my way home.

Mer's POV


I got ready and waited for Blake to come to pick me up. He was never early so I had to spend some time in the kitchen talking to my mom.

"Blake's coming to pick you up right?"


"Going somewhere fancy ?" 

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