Chapter 2

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Mrs. Faye POV
''My beautiful baby'

I thought as I entered the seemingly cold hospital room. As always Blake was there half awake holding her hand as if she was the only thing that existed in his world. I  felt bad for him. I knew he blamed himself everyday for not being present in her life. I was lucky enough to have got the privilege of seeing these two grow up together . They were just two peas in a pod.

I loved watching them fall in love and always hoped that one day I'd be crying out  my old wrinkled self while watching my beautiful daughter get married to Blake but life happens and I guess people don't stay as long as you'd want them to.

I didn't realize I was just staring blankly at Mer and Blake. I hadn't realized I was crying until Blake looked at me.
"Good evening Rose" Blake said. The once handsome young man seemed to have aged drastically during these past few months.
" Good evening," I said as I inched closer to them. I could tell he was tired as the bags under his eyes were clearly evident
I gave him a pitiful smile.
"I'll take it from here,  You go and rest. You have work tomorrow,don't you?"
With that he then stood up and kissed Mer's forehead and made his way to the door leaving me alone with her.
Oh why can't you wake up Mer.

I held her hand as I remembered how she was like. Mer had always been a very outspoken person, with a big mouth like hers , I wondering how she ever got him. Maybe she drugged him.I smiled as I remember how she was like when she was young. How I couldn't get her to come home from Blake's. I remembered how I teased her about being in love with Blake after she started acting weird around him when she was eleven and how she always used to tell me about her dates with Blake. I just missed my daughter and looking at her lifeless on this bed made me feel like she wasn't there anymore. 

Blake's POV
I stopped at a bar on my way home. I just wanted to  get away from things for a while. Ever since Mer got into hospital I started to change. If I hadn't screwed her over she would still be here and probably we would be in a better place. If only I hadn't been a jerk to her.

I sat there in my stall as I watched what was going on around me. I saw people having beers , talking and basically having a good time. I watched silhouettes emerging from the darkness outside, walking into the warm cosy bar. I had forgot how it felt like to talk to people with so much passion and enthusiasm. I was so caught up with a lot of emotions that I never realized how much I had pulled back.

I spent another hour then finally decided to go home. I walked into my almost empty apartment and went straight bed and just stared blankly at the ceiling. I remember how l had bought it . I  had planned to remodel it and eventually get married but unfortunately things didn't work out with us. I guess she wanted a lot more than I was willing to give her. She wanted to settle down and I wanted to stay as we were without titles. I guess I was scared of breaking her heart and not being good enough for her in the long run. What if I couldn't make her happy. She had a beautiful soul and loved everything about life and was still grateful even on the bad days, I didn't want to be the reason for her to lose all that.

Looking at this place brought back a lot of memories and emotions I wasn't willing to feel at the moment. I had just moved closer to Mer and we were trying to patch things up. I loved the way she was so in love with him. She'd light up every time he came close to her and even the mere mention of his name made her break into a smile. To be honest, hewas great. At first I didn't intend on liking him but he made it so frustrating not to.
He was just perfect, had a good personality, great job and a reasonable amount of flaws. I wanted Mer to look at me the way she looked at him. I wanted her to get nervous just because I was around her but watching these two people I realized I could never get her back and she was probably happier with him. Letting go . One of the hardest things I'd ever had to do.

I woke up and did the usual. I got out and got coffee from the small café that was near my apartment and rushed off to work.
"Hey," Dave called me. I knew where the conversation was going. He'd ask me about the previous day , beat around the bush about Mer's lack of progress, give me a sympathetic smile and suggest that i should go out often and inform me that i missed the match with the 'guys'. And this happened every Monday and Friday. I greeted him back from a distance fearing that if i went closer I would dread it. I continued to walk to my office. I saw a huge pile of paperwork that needed to be handed in at the end of the day. I had to spend the whole day working on it with multiple breaks to refill my coffee and endless pep talks from different people. Some I didn't even know. I walked back to my office and not long after Mrs. Faye called. I couldn't even get her to stop crying and tell me what was going on. After some minutes that left me frustrated she started to make sense.

"The doctors" Mrs. Faye said

"The doctors want to remove her from life support""

"They won't listen to me, I saw it"

"I felt her hand, It squeezed mine, I felt it. I'm sure of it but they wont listen to me"

"they wont listen to me," she kept saying.

I got out of my chair grabbed my jacket and keys and ran to my car to get to the hospital. I couldn't believe the moment I had been dreading all this time was closer than I had imagined. I don't know how much I could take.

Hey guys. Thank you to everyone reading this. You're awesome . Happy holidays.🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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