Chapter 4

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 I remember driving straight to the hospital completely oblivious to what was going on around me. The buzzing traffic , the red traffic lights , the stillness of the town at night, simply everything
The moment I had been dreading these past months had finally come, I had known  about it , studied her condition and knew what little chance she had of ever coming back to me but I wasn't prepared.

I wasn't prepared to say goodbye. I had so many things I had promised to do when she finally got better. I had so many things I wanted to show her, so many things I wanted to say to her.  I was supposed to be there for her when she woke up.

I looked back through the review mirror and remembered the box I had taken everyday with me in my car, I guess it wasn't going to be of any use now but It reminded me of a good memory 

Flashback: Age 14

Blake's POV

"That's all they really want"

"Some fun"

"When the working day is done"

"Oh, girls they wanna have fun"

Man, she was one awful singer who was quite oblivious to her lack of talent. She had been singing this song since I came here. I think this was the sixteenth time she wa singing this damn song, I had stopped counting after we hit 10 and It didn't seem like she was going to stop anytime soon. 

" Blake, come dance with me," she called out as she continued to carelessly sing and dance around. I wondered why she never got tired of this song. It was surely one of those old songs that you didn't expect someone to sing on top of their lungs for two hours. I guess she didn't sound half that bad, maybe I was getting used to her apparent lack of good vocals. 

I loved how happy she was, she was always happy when she listened to music, even when she was having a bad day. Music was the only thing that seemed to make her sane again. I loved how she'd drag me to dance with her, knowing I had two left feet , and tell me to dance with her. I really enjoyed this more than I let on partly because she listened to the typical girly songs that I wasn't too into. She made me like everything she liked, I don't know why. It was kind of her superpower.  Even when we were kids and I told her I was allergic to honey, she still made me try it, made me spread it all over my damn waffles  and despite being in bed for a week,I can safely say I didn't regret any of it. Not even one bit of it. 

We contined to listen to Cyndi Lauper until it was late and I had to go home. 

Flashback ends

I had promised myself I'd give her that boxset with all her favourite vinyls and a new player as soon as she was out the hospital.   I wanted us to be at least friends again not like how things were now.  I guess it was too late for that. 

I wasn't prepared to say goodbye. I hadn't done it when the others did last week , I don't know why, I thought I had more time. I felt my whole body start to go numb as I stopped in the parking lot. I simply had lost all the strength that had got me through those ten months.  

I was scared. I was scared that even though I knew the news, I couldn't take it. This wasn't real. This wasn't reality , I was dreaming. Mer was still her old self and I was back at my job and my life. Mark was still there, she was still smiling at him like nothing else mattered in the world. I just had to wake up. To wake up from this nightmare.

That moment as I walked to her room.
That's when I broke down
That's when I started crying
The emotions I had held in for so long because I had to be bravstarted pouring out and I was scared I wasn't going to be able to stop.
I must have alarmed many people in there but I just couldn't keep it in anyomore. I had been strong for too long. No one ever asked me how I felt about this. Not one person asked me to leave the hospital so I could have a shower at home or freshen up. No one asked me if I was fine after spending the night sleeping on a groggy hospital seat, when I woke up with a sore neck. 

No one ever asked me if I was fine.
No one
Just No one
So no one would ever care even at this moment
As I approached Mrs Faye, I found her crying hysterically as she waited near Mer's door.
She usually always cried but this time it was different
This time it was as if crying was a way of releasing everything.
She looked like she was at peace even though she was and had been crying her eyes out.

She looked tired but in a way that you could see that her effort had paid off. She looked better than what I had seen in these past months. 

I approached her cautiously fearing that the news had hit her so hard that she wasn't mentally herself at this point. As soon as she saw me she smiled at me. She would often always give me the forced plastered smile she now did nowadays but this time it was different.

"Oh Blake,"
"Mer is awake," she said as her voice cracked with excitement and anxiety 
I must've stood there frozen for a while. I couldn't put anything to words at tha point. I thought Mrs Faye had finally cracked and was now dillusional. She had been quite off lately. What if she couldn't take the heartbreak of losing Mer that she had to make  up something to deal with the pain.  

"My baby is awake Blake"  she said again softly

" They reckon she'll need a few more weeks to regain her strength "
" Oh Blake, my baby is awake" she said

I had to see it for myself. I wanted to get into her room but it was occupied with a lot of doctors who seemed to be examing her like they had missed something. They all looked quite facinated as they exchaned words and looks in there. After thirty minutes of waiting, they finally came out. One of  the doctors must have sensed my unease because he smiled at me. 

"She's going to be fine" he said as he rested his hand on my shoulder and then walked away. 

A million questions were going through my head and it seemed as though no one was too keen on answering them. I heard people talking about how it was a medical miracle.  How they didn't expect her to ever get better. I heard some people say that even if she woke up, she'd be paralysed and was probably severly brain damaged. Others had the odacity to say that she would just another sad story and end up as a human vegetable. 

I walked intp her room. I had been in this room for so long but it looked different somehow. It looked like it too had recovered. I looked around, I had never noticed the ugly grey curtains that certainly didn't go with the rest of the room or the flower vase that had all the dried flowers from last week. 

Even Mer looked different, she was pale but the good kind of pale. The kind of pale one had after staying indoors during winter. She had splashes of color all over her face now, her cheeks, her forehead and her lips. I watched her,I could see her nostrils  flaring as she breathed in. She looked like she could hear me.I held her hand and it didn't feel as cold and unwelcoming as it usually did. It felt like her. Like Mer was finally here. 

"Hey there Mer," I said softly 

I kissed her forehead and decided to sit down.  

" I missed you so much, " I continued. 

" I missed you much" I continued 

I was sure I had a lot to say to her when she woke up but right now I couldn't put to words what I was feeling .All I could manage was to just hold her hand while I stared at that beautiful face of hers. 

Hey guys. Thank you for reading. Please vote. Have a greay weekend:) I update frequently now. The song Mer and Blake were lstening to is on the link on top. Cyndi Lauper is amazing!! Bye

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