Chapter 4: Unsaid Emotions

Start from the beginning

I scoffed, "why'd I be angry with you? Nonsense... "

"Maybe because... I denied to your movie plan? "

"I made a plan with Venky and you did with Kaira and all of us decided to stick with the original plans. What's their to be angry? " I said as a matter of fact.

"I don't know.. But maybe.. Us not being together? " he sounded unsure.

I glanced at him with straight face, "Us? There's no us, Samar. You are not.. Not bound to be with me just because we met first." I cleared. "You.. You like my sister's company more than mine then it's okay.. It absolutely is. I don't mind."

"You.. You don't mind my friendship with Kaira? " he raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"Of course I don't. " I lied because obviously I did. I envied how easily Kaira passed the awkward stranger phase with Samar and how happy he was whenever he was around Kaira. I wanted to make my presence his happiness the same way his presence around me is mine but things never go as I plan. Because Kiara is always overshadowed by Kaira. Maybe my jealousy is what overshadows me and Kaira's loving, friendly nature shines brighter. In any case, she got and always get what I ever wanted.

"Good. So, today we have promised our evening to different people but how about we spend our weekend together? " he suggested.

"Uhm.. I don't want a pity date, Samar." I called off his plan then and there.

"Uh.. Not making it awkward but this wasn't a date plan and definitely not a pity. " he frowned on the fact that I thought he was having pity on me. But what can I do? Either people hate me or pity me that everyone hates me. I haven't experienced any other feeling.

"Whatever, Samar, I'm getting late for my class. " I increased my walking pace to get away from him but he kept up with me saying, "that we have together- history right? "

I rolled my eyes entering the classroom and walked straight to third row. I don't like being a first bencher and neither a last one. Samar took the empty seat beside me.

"Won't you seat on first bench? " I enquired.

"I don't have any friends to sit with."

I heaved a sigh and the teacher entered the class.

"Kiara.. Come with us na. It'd be fun." Samar whispered to me in between our lecture.

Looking straight towards lecturer's direction I replied to Samar, "I already have a plan with Venky and I cannot ditch that."

"I'm not asking you to ditch it, he can join us too. "

"Yeah... Remembering the fact how well you and Venky get along." I smiled sarcastically.

Samar and Venky stares at each other as if they are going to rip each other's throat. The rage, the anger and the tension in between the two is just unexplainable. I mean, they only know each other for a month; ah! They don't even know each other that much that could let them to hate. I just don't know why don't they get along!

"That's in our nature, Kiara. " he said nonchalantly.

"What?! "

"Yes, you two!" The teacher snapped throwing a pointed chalk at my direction. I closed my eyes involuntary and when it didn't hit me, I opened my eyes and saw that Samar was holding the chalk in between his two fingers just an inch away from my face.

That was quick. I looked at him in shock.

The teacher, Mr. Singh got more furious after that and shouted at us to get out from the class.

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