Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"This is where the Slytherin common room is.  There is a password you need to get in.  It'll change about every month so check the notice board for the next password.  The password for September is 'snake's blood'.  Please do not forget it," Draco announces, eyes locked on y/n as she watches.   The sliding of stone is heard and the blank wall opens up.  Inside is a dark, greenish, underwater room.  It's dimly lit with dark accents and it's filled with furniture.  There are multiple fireplaces that remain unlit and a radio in the corner.  

"The girls' dorms are on the right and the boys' dorms are on the left.  Classes start tomorrow and by now you should have your schedules.  If you have any questions, ask us or upperclassmen, but I can't guarantee you'll get an answer, first years" Pansy says aggressively hissing at them.  The first years laugh weakly and disappear towards the dorm rooms quickly, trying to get away from the girl.  The Ilvermorny students follow and go to their assigned rooms.  Draco watches as y/n disappears up the stairs, desperately wishing he could continue their talk.


"Y/n!" Draco calls from the doors of the Three Broomsticks. It's a school Hogsmeade trip and pretty much everyone from third to seventh year is in the village.  Y/n is sitting at a table for two alone in the corner of the pub.  She waves at Draco as he walks over.  "Do you mind if I sit?"

"Not at all, Draco.  We're friends remember?  You don't have to ask each time to sit with me...," she says.

"Yeah...  I just thought I'd check..." Draco says, messing with his green and silver scarf between his fingers.  "Y-You weren't meeting anyone here... w-were you, y/n?"

She looks up, a bit puzzled, clutching a half-empty mug of Butterbeer.

"No...  I was not, Draco," she replies.  "Why do you ask...?"

"I, uh, was... just curious!" he says, uneasy.  She sits back and shakes her head.

"Come on, Draco.  We've been friends for about four months now...  I can read your face and something tells me that you're not saying all that you want to....  Tell me what it is," she says sweetly and softly, one of the things that Draco adores about y/n. He looked into her eyes, which were staring intently into his, awaiting his answer.  

I can't deny it anymore, Draco thinks to himself.  I'm in love with y/n....  I love her.  I love the way she talks and laughs.  I love her intelligence and eloquence. She's kind and beautiful.  She listens and is amazing company.  Come on, Draco.  Just tell her!

"Draco? Are you okay?" y/n asks, breaking the silence. This brings Draco back to his senses, but he blurts out four words.

"I love you, y/n," he says. He pauses, shocked by his own words and slaps his hand over his mouth.  Y/n is sitting there, a look of utter shock is plastered on he face and Draco's face turns a light shade of pink.  He gasps, realising what he's done and races out the door.  "I'm sorry, y/n!"

He runs out into the light blanket of snow. She pushes his way through the masses of people towards the shrieking shack and leans against a tree to catch his breath and closes his eyes.  he feels the sweat drops forming on his forehead.  Breathing heavily, he heard light footsteps from behind.  He opens his eyes and turns to find y/n, holing his coat that he had left behind on his chair.  He reaches his arm out and takes it.

"Thanks, y/n," he mumbles.  She smiles and walks forward towards him with a completely neutral face. 

Is she gonna slap me? Draco asks himself, unable to sense her intentions.

"Draco..." she whispers kindly.  Setting her hands gently on his shoulders, she leans forward and kisses him lightly on the lips, pushing him against the tree trunk.  Finally comprehending what's happening, Draco shakily raises his own hands to her waist.  He can feel her smile through the kiss.

"Y/n," Draco says in between kisses, pulling her body up against his.

"Yes, Draco?" she asks.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming...."


A/N:  This chapter was 1,275 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Requests open!

- Soiea

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