"The thing is, I don't want to be friends. I don't know how she'll react when she finds out but I know that since you kept it from her, she'll be hurt or mad. And with that, she'll come running back to me." A smirk appeared on his face and my fist twitched.

"Don't get your hopes up, Scott." 

"You tell her the truth, she gets hurt by the fact that you did it for how long?" I saw him mentally count the months since the news of Robert Bradley. "Nine months?" he whistled. "Damn. And if I tell her, she'll know that you all knew but still kept it from her. Either way, I win."

"You're fucked up in the head." I told him. "Doesn't it bother you that Blair will get hurt? If you liked her that much, why do you want that for her?"

Chase shrugged. "I just want her."

That's it. Pulling my arm back, I hit him straight in the nose. He stumbled backwards and I saw people start to whisper and gather around us. 

Chase gathered himself and rolled his shoulders. "No big deal, Chambers. Remember, either way, she'll come running to me."

Not wanting to hear anymore of his stupid and pointless thoughts, I walked away before I get in trouble or do something worse. 

I skipped class that day and went straight back to the apartment. Since Blake has been spending all his time at his academy, he didn't need to attend his classes anymore, he was graduated.

He was seated on the living room couch and was flipping through the channels. He looked up at me in surprise when I walked in. "Aiden? What are you doing here?"

"We have a problem." I stated. He heard my serious tone and turned off the tv then walked towards me. "Chase knows about your Dad and he wants to use it against us to get to Blair. He just threatened me."

Blake Bradley saw red. He punched right through the nearest wall. "Fuck!" he yelled. "She'll get hurt with whatever we decide to do."

"We should've told her the day your mother told us, Blake! It was wrong to wait."

"I didn't know how to tell her and my mom told us to wait, too, it's not all on me!"

"And you thought that me confessing my love for her would soften the blow?"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time."

We both sighed and paced around the room thinking of ways we could tell her with my sweet Blair feeling betrayed, hurt, or angry. Nothing we thought of prevented all three. 

"We're in deep shit." I finally said.

"No kidding." Blake rubbed his tired eyes. "Look, why don't you take her out this weekend and just show her a great time and then break the news. Maybe she won't be as mad."

I thought about it. I knew she'll be angry anyways but maybe if she was completely happy then it won't fully hurt her. I sounded like a complete asshole. But I agreed anyways.

"Good," he said. "Just don't get touchy feely."

Even though we were still tense and angry, I couldn't help but smirk at that. "Get over it, Blake. You know I love her."

"I know, but I'm still not used to not taking care of her now that you're doing that." 

Understanding, I just nodded.

This was going to be a bittersweet weekend.


"You're father's alive." I told her.

So many emotions passed through her face that I wasn't sure what to do after. First it was amusement, then seriousness, then sadness, then anger, then shock appeared as realization hit.

"Don't play like that, people can't come back from the dead." Blair said but she sounded uncertain.

I sighed and started to explain. "Your dad was never dead, Blair. He was saved by a little community and wasn't discovered until 2 years ago. Ever since then, he was kept secret by the government for top secret reasons and they fixed up his injuries. He's missing half his left leg and a huge scar is covering the left side of his face. He's being released before Christmas."

I watched her face as she took in the information. Countless emotions passed through her again and her facial expression mirrored them. 

"Is this real?" she whispered and I nodded. "You're not kidding are you?" I shook my head in response. "Does Blake know?" 

Uh-oh. "Everyone knows, Blair."

That stopped her. "Even Carly?"

"No, not her but my family and your family knows."

She looked at me and her beautiful brown eyes looked so sad that I felt a pinch of pain in my chest. Her being sad was breaking my heart and she didn't even know it.

"How long have you known?" she whispered. Agh, the question I've been avoiding. "How long have you known, Aiden?" she said again, more sternly this time.

"A few months."

"How many?"


She didn't say anything and I forced myself to look at her eyes. It was watery and I felt my heart start to crack. "Why'd you tell me now?"

The truth, Aiden. Stop hiding things. "Blake said you'd take it easier if you were really happy so I took you out--"

"That's the only reason why you took me here?"

"No, Blair. I love--"

"Is that also the reason why you told me you loved me?"

"Part of it but--"

"I have to go." Without warning, Blair took the car keys that I had in my hoodie pocket and ran off.

Shit, I fucked up. Bad.

I ran after her but got lost in the crowd of people that was leaving the lunch room. By the time I reached the parking lot, my car was long gone alone with the love of my life.

If my heart wasn't broken before, I felt the pieces hit the pit of my stomach now.


& also thanks for the cutie pies who leave the cutest comments , I love you all <3

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