Moving Back

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Five years.

Five horribly long years.

Years of California, her father doing nothing but work, and her step-mom making her life a living hell. Years of hard school work, and no real friends. Her friends were in New York. Where she finally was getting to go back to.

She would be able to see them all! Thalia, her brother Jason, Nico, his half sister Hazel, Frank, Will, Rachel, Reyna, Leo, Calypso, Piper, The Stoll brothers, and most importantly Percy. They all meant so much to her.

The girl's name was Annabeth. She had lost contact with her friends and couldn't wait to see them again. In California she hadn't ever gotten close to anyone. Well there was one person, Luke, he had tried to make Annabeth fall for him then get in her pants. We'll just say it didn't work. 

So when the cab pulled up to the apartment building her and her family would be in, Annabeth practically ran inside. She had chosen the place. Did tons of research. The building was in Goode District, not the one any of her friends lived in, but close to all of them. It was perfect.

Apartment 7. Annabeth ran in hauling her suitcases. She claimed the bedroom she had already said was hers when she looked at the floor plan. It had one big window looking out over the city. The walls were bare but Annabeth could fix that. Her furniture, along with everything else, had been moved here a few days ago.

Her bed against the wall, no covers yet, dresser opposite it, no clothes yet, and her desk were the biggest things. Annabeth was too excited to sleep, even though it was dark, so she put away her clothes and made her bed. Pictures that she had up in her old room for years were tacked onto the boarder of her mirror.

She was going to paint but later. She finally fell asleep around midnight. Annabeth woke up to her alarm on her phone. Monday, her first day back at Goode. She was ecstatic!

Annabeth flew to her dresser and closet. She picked out a pair of black jeans, a white sweater with a grey heart on it, and white sneakers. She put on limited makeup and left her hair down. Grabbing her book bag she headed out of her room.

She passed the living room on her way out. Boxes were still stacked up, the twins, Bobby and Matthew, weren't up yet but her dad was. He was going over some files or something. Annabeth sighed and left the building.

Annabeth caught the bus and got on her phone as she sat down. A guy leaned over to her over the seat. He had dark hair in a military buzz style a lip ring along with an eyebrow bar and a gleam in his brown eyes. He had crappy tattoos up and down his arms and looked like a slight wind could blow him over.

"You new?" He said in a squeaky voice. Annabeth looked at him with disgust.

She looked him in the eye and said, "Do you know how grammar works?" The guy just snarled and turned around. Annabeth rolled her eyes and waited for the bus to pull into the parking lot.

After hopping off the bus she ran into the office. A old woman talked with her and gave her a schedule and locker number. Annabeth set off to do that in the sea of students.

She got her locker open and put the things she didn't need to carry inside. Math was first. She walked in and sat in the back. Nervously she waited to see if any of her friends were in this class. None were.

Next was history. She walked in and sat down. A few minutes later and a scrawny Latino boy with crazy curly brown hair and elfish features walked in with a girl with choppy brown hair with feathers and kaleidoscope eyes.. Annabeth watched them.

Leo and Piper. Just as she remembered them only older. Piper wore a baggy sweater with ripped jeans. Leo had on a white work shirt, work pants, and suspenders on. He was just missing his tool belt. But the school never would let him wear it.

Annabeth covered her mouth and held in her sobs. What if they didn't recognize her? Or worse had forgotten about her completely? She looked down at her desk and listened to them as they past.

"Yep, there's a new girl." Said Leo popping the p. Annabeth smiled sadly. "God I heard she was blonde with curly hair and for a second..." He sighed.

Piper patted his back as they sat behind Annabeth. "I know I heard too. I thought she might be as well. But. . . Annabeth just... I don't think she is going to come back." Piper sounded like a whipped puppy.

"God guys, I didn't die." Annabeth said as she turned around and faced them. Her grey eyes sparkled with tears being held back as her mouth quirked into a smile.

Piper gasped as Leo grinned. "Annabeth?" Piper looked like she was seeing a ghost. "Really?" The brown haired girl jumped up and tackled Annabeth. Leo wasn't far behind. The other students filling in the room looked at them weirdly. But none of them cared.

That class was spent with Piper clinging on to Annabeth's arm like she was going to disappear the first chance she got and Leo filling Annabeth in on all the projects he had been working on. Before they left the class Annabeth had the other two swear they wouldn't tell anyone. They agreed with evil grins on their faces.

And so Annabeth went to her two next classes, architecture and advanced physics. When she was walking to lunch she felt giddy. All her friends were going to be there. Percy was going to be there. Her best friend who she never wanted to leave.

She braced herself as she entered the cafeteria.

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