My eyes widened as my mind went over all the evidence. The weight, the appetite, the puke. Our two months were almost up. Two months, could I be having these side effects? I could be, I had no idea how long the Medjordian gestation period was. I had no idea how to be a mom. I had no idea how to do anything.

"Isabellianna?" Loki's voice was soft, he brought be out of my thoughts. He looked down, my eye followed his to see his hand rested on my belly and mine gripped his wrist. His skin was turning blue where I touched it, trying to counteract my heat. I immediately dropped my grasp on him. He kept his hand placement, though. I was still scared, he noticed. "You don't want to have it?"

I shook my head. "No, I mean I do. It's you. It's us. It's just. I'm having a lot of fear for the unknown right now." I tucked my hair behind my ear, my hand was shakey.

He kissed the top of my head. "I can fix that." He pulled me up to a standing position and dragged me along to his library. "It's called research, dear." He searched to bookshelves, selecting a few then came back over to me. He handed me half the stack and we went over to the fireplace to read.

I flipped through the pages, the books he handed me were all about the creatures of Jotunheim. Jötunn's power comes from the ice, Jötunn's thrive in darkness. Jötunn Jötunn Jötunn. I slammed the book shut, aggravated. I wasn't afraid of the Jötunn part of this.. this child I was actually afraid of everything else. I looked over at Loki, he was still reading tentatively. Wait a minute, did he think... "Loki, you don't think I'm afraid of your part of the.. baby?"

His concentration on the book in his hands was broken. His eyes trailed up to meet mine. A jet black eyebrow raised. "You're not?"

I smiled, that smile turned into a grin, the grin turned into a giggle. Soon enough I was cackling. Loki's face stayed the same but I'm sure I looked crazy to him. "Loki I'm more afraid of me than I am of you." I decided to explain myself. "You're here, uncomplicated. Me? I'm human and Medjordian, I know human biology like the back of my hand, but Medjordian? Not so much. I don't know what I should do to prepare. The human way? Or the unknown Medjordian? What if my mother was just lucky having me with a human, what if Medjordians laid eggs or some shit? What if my body rejects it?" Tears were coming to my eyes. I wrapped my arms around my stomach. "What if I can't protect her?"

Loki was over to me in an instant. He cradled me to his chest. "It's going to be okay, dear. I'll find every book on Medjordheim that I can."

I wiped my tears, sniffling. "Loki, I-I think I'm having mood swings." I looked into his eyes.

He smirked. "That you are."

I punched him in the chest, playfully but enough to hurt a little. "Shut up."

He pulled me back into his chest and kissed the top of my head. "That's my Queen."

We searched his library self to shelf for a week before our honeymoon time was up. My husband was sent back to the dungeons to be a prisoner. I flew a handful of books down to his cage each day so that we could read them together. No one else knew about the child inside me, my orders. I didn't want people to get their hopes up for something that might not happen. Loki still insisted that I go see the scientist/healer people. But I didn't want to be an experiment, the guinea pig for them to find new information. I wanted to find some information out there first.

There weren't many books on the 'Lost Medjordians' that included information on how they gave birth. We were almost done with the books in Loki's library, it was my third month pregnant and I was showing, really showing. From my head to my toes I was changing. My green hair grew fast and was darker, my dark red skin was lightening. And the weight, I wouldn't pass for lean now. One night I was up late reading, Loki had sent me back hours ago, telling me to rest but I couldn't. I just had to find something, anything to put me at ease.

There was a knock at the door. I lazily looked up from my book. "Come in." I called.

Frigga appeared in the open doorway. Then she made her way over to me in my bed. "Pregnancy befits you, my child. You have the glow." She told me.

My eyes widened. "How did you-?" I asked.

"My husband may be blind in many ways than one but I am not." She announced, grabbing my hand. "Come with me, swiftly now." She led me out of the hall and out of the castle to a different important looking building. "This is the hall of science, I've been researching your kind since the moment you arrived here on Asgard. Today, I think I came across something that might interest you." She led me to a door with three locks on it. She closed her eyes and said a few words, enchantments under her breath. She reached for the knob and opened the door with ease, pulling me in with her.

There was a long descending staircase and torches lit automatically and we went deeper. We were met with another door, this one was different. It was made of mahogany, and had 'Med Jord' inscribed with the Medjordian letters and language. My eyes widened, there was no knob. "How do we get in?"

Frigga shook her head. "I cannot, but I think you can." She nudged me forwards, toward the door.

I looked back at her before focusing on the door. I placed my hand on the door and gasped. The wood was still alive. I tried to use my earth manipulation powers to move the door aside. It didn't work. "Open." I spoke in Medjordian. It didn't budge. "Open!" I yelled. Nothing. I retracted my hands and hung my head.

"You can do it, Isabellianna." Frigga encouraged me.

She brought me all this way, I couldn't let it be in vain. I thought back to all my conversations with my mother.

"Isabellianna! Let us go for a walk. Roarke, we will be back soon." Momma pulled me along, out of our hut home. We walked into the forest. This is where momma always took me to talk about the things we can't tell Papa. She sat me down on a rock and looked at me sternly. "You were red in your sleep again, you can never let that happen! Do you understand?" I nodded. "The other people cannot know what we truly are, and you must never forget. Medjordian. Einn med jord. Remember that. Always."

I nodded again. "Einn med jord."

I opened my eyes quickly. I pressed my hands to the wood again. "Einn med jord."

There was a rumbling sound and the wood started to move away. I looked back at Frigga. "Go." She ordered. "I'll watch the door."

I thanked her with my eyes and entered through the door, it closed behind me.

One With Gods [Loki]Where stories live. Discover now