11. The End... The Real One.

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Chapter 11 ~ The End... The Real One.

Sitting behind the table, Bobby Horan smiled at him.

"So, son, take a seat, I have to be somewhere else in 30 minutes.

You must be wondering why you've never known about me. Well, the reason is simple; my family doesn't need nor want the fame. So only the most important people know me. And above all, everyone needs to sign this," he passed Marcel a piece of paper, "to keep my identity classified. You can talk about it with mister Tomlinson, mister Payne, mister Malik here, and my family.

Now that that's settled, let's talk about you. You obviously lost a few fans when they found out about the Marcel-Harry thing, but nothing mayor. If you explain in an interview something about the way your old management treated you, you will see a rise in fans. It's just like Hannah Montana, only controlled management you more. I want my management to represent freedom, so you have much freetime. The only obligations you have is to keep bring in money, but please say it if something's bothering you. I try to keep the cliff between the artist and their management as little as possible. So, the question I ask you; Do You Sign The Contract To Be A Part Of My Management?"

"Yes, that would be lovely." They went over some other stuff and before they knew it, Bobby had to go.
Niall has yet to find his love, but isn't really bothered by not finding her/him yet.
Zayn and Liam got married 2 and a half years after they met, Zayn proposed on the exact day they met, two years later.
Marcel and Louis were engaged and are planning their wedding as you're reading this. Louis proposed to Marcel in a cute and original way. They went to France, in a city called Nice. After they had a day at the beach, they ended it with a fancy dinner, then went to the beach. There they saw thousands of lights floating in the sea. They got in a hot air balloon and when they were up, Marcel saw the words "Wil lYou Marr yMe?". When he looked at Louis, he was on his knees.

"Even though the words are spelled wrong, blaim the waves, I want to ask you this. I had a crush on a popstar Harry Styles, but I adored the nerd walking around the school with the name Marcel. So I was more than happy to find out that you two were actually the same person. When we blackmailed you to let us go to a party, I realised that the way I felt was more than just a crush, and to be honest, it scared me. I never felt that way before, and I didn't even know if you loved me back. Then there was this whole two-personalities-thing and you were famous. But I realised that I. don't. care. I love you, and I always will love you, so will you please marry me and make me the happiest man alive?" Marcel had tears in his eyes as he answered, "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!"
Marcel was still a succesful singer, and still under Bobby's label. He has 2 new albums out, but was planning on taking a little pause in his career. Right now he just wanted to spend some time with Louis.
Bobby Horan heard his son and his friends sing in front of a campfire and decided that if they were up to it, to make one album with all of them. Just one to see if it works, then they'll just wait and see where it takes them. That's how the album FOUR was made. They called it that because they all knew each other for four years. After that, they made a band, called One Direction. And that's the band you all praise to the lord and saviour SHREK BYE!

THIS WAS IT! IT IS OVERRRR! Now I can work on my other stuff, that are way sadder than this. Like someone died kinda sad. Okayyy have a great life and whatever, stay a directioner, all the love, Michelle xx.

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