10. The End... For Now.

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Chapter ten ~ The End... For Now.

That evening, the lads decided to give Marcel a make-over. Like the middle of Harry's style and Marcel's style. They got Marcel in a tight-fitting T-shirt, the neckline wider than he normally wears but not as wide as Harry's. Instead of the brown vest, Liam lend him his jacket. As for shoes, they got him 'Harry's' boots - the lightbrown suède ones, because they are the most comfortable. His trousers got minimal change, just a change in colour from brown to black. The gel in his hair stayed; it kept his hair away from his eyes while studying. A few deep brown, leather bracelets were placed on his wrist, and last but not least, his spectacles got swapped with lenses. The result was great. He was Marcel and Harry in one!

The next norning he went to school alone; wanting to surprise Louis, Liam and Niall that he was wearing the outfir of the day before. He decided to go all-in and drove his Porche 911 to school. He got some stares as people noticed Harry Styles with gelled hair(?!), and were even more surprised when he turned left and drove onto the school's parkinglot. In his first class, the teacher approached him with the question what he was doing here. He explained to her that yes, he was Harry, but that his real name was in fact Marcel. She nodded and began to note the attendance. As Marcel was called, he just raised his hand.

As lunch came around the whole school knew that Marcel was actually Harry, and social media exploded. Marcel himself got some angry texts from management. Just because he can come out as gay doesn't mean he can tell/show the whole world that they were being lied to, that Harry doesn't really exist.

But Marcel doesn't care. Zayn got offered a huge deal with another managementand they were more than happy to get Harry as well. Or is it Marcel now? The "avoid-the-nerd"-thing was gone, and Marcel was offered loads of time to "come and sit with us", but he knew they only said that becaise he was Harry Styles, a famous popstar and teenage heartthrob. So Marcel kept with his friends.
It was very tempting for him to just sent a text to his management to let them know he quit and found another management, but he was a gentleman and went to the office after school.

"Marcel, what are you doing?! You can't just tell people you aren't Harry, you're loosing so many fans! We haven't even given you permission to do that! We let you come out of the closet, so we give you what you want and you just disobey us? And I haven't even started on-"

"I wanted to let you know that I quit," Marcel blurted out, "You treated me like you own me, I feel like I'm your prisoner and you control my whole life!"

"And you think anyone would like a lying, gay popstar who just lost loads of fans?"

"Yes I do actually. In fact, I already have one waiting for me." They looked a bit shocked but covered it quickly. Marcel jusr walked out and drove to his new management's office. He went inside and walked to the desk.

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles. Or Marcel Styles? I don't know, just one of the two." The lady behind it looks up and smiles.

"Yes, Marcel, they were waiting for you so just take the lift (A.N. Elevator for those Americans) to the third floor and just walk down the corridor. You'll walk right to it if you continue to walk straight ahead. Zayn's here as well, by the way." Marcel walks to the lift. He was quite liking the music in there. Absentmindedly, he starts to tap his foot to the rythem and hums. Soon the song ended and Zayn's song Tio came on. He got to the right floor and got out, softly continuing Zayn's song.

"I see you're quite liking my music mate. But they're waiting for you and Bobby has some other things to attend to." Marcel quickly follows Zayn into a room and got a heartattack (methaphorically).

I shouldn't make promises that I can't keep, but this time I seriously try to finish it this weekend. Byeeeee,

Undercover ~ Loucel / Larcel / LarryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin