Back : New Ending

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"So, you call me here to play with you?" I asked him.

"Do you wanna play?"

I smiled and shook my head. He passed me the ball and I caught it. This boy really wanted to play with me. I just held that ball. Kept it in my hands. I walked to shady place. I sat and put that ball beside me. He came to me. He sat beside me.

"Remember this place?" He asked me.


"I am sorry"

"What for?"

"For punched you in the past and said something that hurted you" I looked at him and smiled.

"It is okay. It is not hurt anymore"

"I regret what I had done to you in that time"

"But I never regret to kiss you at that time!" I declared. I got up and looked straight to the beach. I smiled.

He got up and stood up beside me. He held my hand. Interjected his fingers between mine.

"Should we do it again? Like last time?" he asked me, "I will make different ending this time!"

He pulled me to follow him. We stopped at the same spot as before. At the spot that same where that past incident happened.He faced me. We looked at each other. We smiled.

"I am nervous!" he said.

"Me too!"

We just kept standing over there for few minutes. Doing nothing. Just kept staring at each other eyes.

"I love you, Oh!"

"Hmmm... I love you too, Copper!"

"Shit! Why am I so nervous?" he cursed himself.

I couldn't help but leaned my face to his. I kissed him on the lips to make his nervous faded away. And I think it was working. He kissed me back. His lips is so warm. It is soft. It made me intoxicated. I never get enough to kiss him. Maybe he made me addicted.

We parted our kiss after we thought it was enough for this time. We sure would do it later and more longer than this time. Way way way longer. Maybe all day and night long?

"Oh" he called my name, "We have dating for weeks but I never ask you properly" I nodded. That was true. He never asked me properly to be his boyfriend. He did asked me when he sang a song for me at school. But he never asked me face to face.

"Right now, Oh. At this time. Would you be my official boyfriend and be my lover because I want you to be by my side forever and ever?"

"Yes, of course. Why would I refuse an offer from a handsome boy like you?" He smiled. I chuckled.

He took something in his pocket. It was a ring. A simple silver ring. He gave that ring to me. He put it in my finger. It fits my finger perfectly. It made me feel so happy. I was in cloud nine.

"I feel like you are proposing me to marry you" I joked

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"I feel like you are proposing me to marry you" I joked.

"I would like to do that if you want. So, will you marry me my cute Oh?" he teased me.


"Yes, I am so crazy in love with you Oh!"

He kissed me again. This time is so lovely. I could taste his love for me. I felt like I was loved by him. He gave me love that I never imagined before. I felt like I am the luckiest boy in the world to have him as my boyfriend. To have him by my side.

He hugged me. Tightly. I felt like time was stopping. I hugged him back. Never wanted to let him go. I wanted to be like this with him forever.

Yes. I am so happy. This is the new ending for me and him. We had been faced lot of things together. Bad things. Good things. All of it makes us becomes what we are now.

This is my new ending. Copper is my ending. And I am his ending. Together. Forever.

"Copper, I think I am ready to let you do me tonight" I whispered to him.



Finally, this story is end
I am sad and happy at the same time

For people who ask why I end this story like this? Why it seems like I let this story hung?
Well, sorry if you not satisfy with the ending 😔
I just want to keep this story innocent
I want to make it pure
And I couldn't go far than kissing session between them
I can't write smut story
So, I am really sorry for that 🙏🙏🙏

Thank you for all of you who read this story
Thank you for all of you who like this story
Thank you for all of you who voted and commented this story

Finally we are at the end of the story
But I will make extra stories about them
1. It Makes Us Lost Control (InnxSun)
2. Finally, I Found You (Nam and Peach)
3. Our First Time (CopperxOh)

The extra stories will be update in this book
Soon 😃

For the last time,
Thank you very much 😊

Your lazy author

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