Jealousy and Rivals [Part 2]

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As I walked pass the gate, I saw crowd surrounding someone. It was Oh with older guy. He seems like a college guy. I didn't know who he is but I didn't like he is being close with Oh. I hated that guy, even though I didn't know him. He is on top my enemy list.

That guy, he was sticking with Oh. Almost everyday. He blocked chances for me to give Oh ride home. Who is he? Why he is always be with Oh? Is he Oh boyfriend? No. It can't be. Oh said he likes girls, so it is impossible if that guy is Oh boyfriend. If Oh is turning gay, it should be me who can be his boyfriend. Only me. No one else.

I saw that guy again, drove Oh to school. Everyone gathered them. I watched them from afar. Maybe I seem spied on them. I tried to control my anger when I looked at them. That guys smiled at my Oh. And Oh smiled back at him. I didn't like it.

"It is good then. So we can spend more times together. Just think it as a date with handsome guy like me"

When I heard that words came out from his mouth, I couldn't hold back my jealousy. I walked toward them and stood up beside Oh. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"Come on. Our class will start soon!" I dragged him away. That guy screamed if he would fetch Oh. I wanted to go back and punched his face. No one can steal Oh from me.

I dragged him away from that guy. I hold his hand very tight. He wanted to let go of my hand but my grip was strong.

"If you want someone to drive you to school and fetch you, I can do it for you. You don't need him to do that for you" I said as we walked to his class.

"And you better stay away from him because I don't like him. I don't like you being close with him" I stopped when we near his class, "Do you hear me?"

"Huh?" This cute boy, why he didn't listen to what I have said to him? I couldn't say it again. It was embarrassing to admit if I was felt jealous. What was he thinking about? Why he was blushing?

"Go to your class!"



When school ended, I saw that guy again. He came to fetch Oh just like what he said in the morning. Fuck. This guy has a death wish, I guess.

"No need. I will help him with that!" I said when I heard that guy was offering Oh a help about his homeworks. I pulled Oh to my side. I glared at that guy. He didn't bother about me at all. Fuck. This guy is tough.

I sat beside Oh in the restaurant. That guy sat in front of Oh. We stared to each other. No one wanted to blink first. No one wanted to look away. It was like staring contest. Very intense. It stopped when Oh asked us to have foods first before he studied. That guy kept feeding Oh meats and Oh accepted it. He look so happy. While I was watching them with jealousy. I sliced the meats on my plate. I torned it with knife, imagining like I just torned that guy's body.

After we finished with our foods, which is I didn't eat my food at all, I taught Oh about his homework. Thanks for my smart brain, I could impress Oh with my intelegent. He look so serious when he study. He nodded when I asked him if he understand or not with what I have taught him. No need much times until he finished his homeworks. I asked him to back home with me but he refused. He told me if he could go back with his stupid P, Pong. I felt dejected. It was like I being rejected by him. I walked away with gloomy face.

The next day, my uncle (head master) called me and told me if we would go for school trip. It wasn't just a trip but we would do project also. Every teams will contain 6 students. I asked my uncle if he could make me in one team with Oh, Sun and Inn. Well, for the other two members, I didn't care at all as long I could be with Oh. And I could help my stupid bestfriend to stay close with his lover.

Lucky and unlucky. I was in one group with Oh, but so unlucky because Peach also there. Same situation goes to Inn, he was happy when he knew he could be with Sun in this trip but after he saw Nam, he became gloomy. My uncle really set us a heaven and hell at the same time.

Nam asked me and Peach if we were getting back together. I said if we were working it out but Peach denied it. She said we are still taking a break. Well, she was totally right. We were still in a break. I was fine with what she said. I didn't felt hurt or something. But what I didn't like is the way he tried to clarified it to Oh. She seem had feeling for Oh. I didn't like it. From entire students in our school, why it must be Oh? And the most thing I didn't like is the way Oh smiled at Peach whenever Peach smiled at him. Did he like Peach too?

My friends was busy with our project but my mind was busy with Oh. I kept thinking about him. I stared at him who seem busy with his phone, like he was texting with someone. He smiled and seem happy. Who was he texting with? Is that his stupid P? Why he seems so happy?

I didn't know but I felt anger running in my blood. I felt boiling. I gave him death stare. He noticed me. He put his phone back to his pocket. He didn't dare to look at me. His eyes glued at his book.


"Peach, can we talk for moment?" I asked Peach to come with me to empty side in our school. I need to talk with her in private. She followed me.

"Peach, what about us? We are taking this break long enough. So....." I opened up my mouth, "Should we continue our relationship or....." I couldn't finish it.

"Copper, lets break up!" she said, "I am sorry but I don't this is gonna work between us"

"So, this is the end? Us?" I said in sad voice. Yes, I still sad about this break up with her. She used to be someone who I loved the most. She used to someone who I cared the most. So, this break up also broke my heart a bit.

"We still can be friend, right?" I nodded and hug her. She hugged me back. I felt so relieve we ended our relationship in good term. No fighting and no hate.

Did you have heard something like this : lover become best friend, best friend become enemy and enemy become lover?

It happened to me with Peach, the first and the second one. After broke up, we became friend. But when I knew she liked Oh too, she became on the list of my rival to win Oh's love. It was funny right? I couldn't believe it at all. But that is the truth and I should face it. For Oh, I would defeaf all my rivals and become a winner to be Oh's boyfriend.

About enemy become lover, it was for me and Oh. He was my enemy but I hoped it will change and we will become a lover. Soon. I hope so.

Well, I need a plan for it. Plan to make Oh falls for me.


I sleep late last night to finish this chapter

Hope you like it 😊


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