Sweet Punishment

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We arrived at the hotel. It was the place where we did school trip last time. I didn't know why he brought us here. I wanted to ask him but look at his face, I didn't dare. He still angry. I didn't dare to talk to him. So, we just kept silent until we arrived.

We got three rooms. Two rooms is next to each other. The other one is three rooms afar from others. Nam and Peach took the last one. I wanted to be paired up with Sun but Copper dragged me with him and told me if we will be in same room. Okay, this is gonna be bad. This combination is bad. Angry Copper in same room with me is a hell.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked him when we were entering our room. He didn't answer me. He ignored me.

"I will sleep on the couch. You sleep on the bed!"

Okay, that was the cue. He still mad. How I should deal with this angry lion of mine? Think Oh, Think!

He laid down on the couch. He closed his eyes, ready to take a nap. I put my stuff and then sat on the bed.

"You can sleep on the bed with me, if you want" I said. He didn't answer me. He ignored me. He faked he was sleeping. I sighed.

I came closer to him. I kneed down in front of him. Watched his sleeping face. I touched his hair and cared it softly. I kissed his forehead but no move from him at all. This boy is hard to deal when he is angry. Okay, maybe I should do the last plan.

I kissed his lips. Once. Twice. Third time. He kissed me back.

"You're so bad, Oh!" He told me when he parted our kiss. He opened his eyes. He got up. Sat on the couch and looked at my face.

"I am sorry"

"How can I be mad at you?"

"So, you're not mad at me anymore?"


I got up. Leaned my face beside his face. My mouth in his ear. I whispered something to him.

"You can punish me anything you want, Copper" I teased him. He was grinning like an idiot again. His angry face faded away. Now, all I could see is his happy face and his naughty face. He suddenly hugged me from back when I wanted go to bathroom.

"Anything? Don't regret it, Oh" he whispered to my ear. Okay, I thought I regreted what I said to him before. Why I should tease him when in the end, I will be the one wo will get tease back? Poor me.


Me and Sun walked to the hotel restaurant as we ready to have dinner. He kept looking on my butt. I knew he is a pervert but really? My butt? Why he was checking on my butt? What the hell was he doing?

"What are you doing?"

"Just checking"

"Checking on what? My butt? Are you insane?"

"Yuck... Don't ever think I am interesting on your disgusting butt. It won't happen in this life or next life!" He said.

"So, what the hell are you doing?"

"I think you're fine" he declared.


"I thought you're gonna do duck walking. But maybe I was wrong"

"Duck walking?"

"You know, after getting hot session when you can't walk properly....."

I was shocked of what I just heard. Did he thought me and Copper did that? I was blushing and angry at the same time.

"You!" I yelled at him, "We didn't do it...yet!"

"Really?" he sound doubting.

"Really! And please clean your mind from pervert things!"

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