Jealousy and Rivals [Part 1]

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I am so glad I born in this family. I glad become my parent's son. I was so thankful to my parent. Why? Because they told me to treat Oh more better from now on. Don't worry mom and dad, I will treat your future son-in-law more better. Aish. My mind, stop talking non sense!

"My mom tells me to treat you better" That was the lame excuse that I gave whenever I showed how care I am to him. Honestly, I wanted to tell him how I feel about him but I didn't dare to do it. Peach and I still not break up yet, so I couldn't do it. I didn't want to hurt Peach.

I always treat Oh foods or drinks almost everyday. Yes, everyday. But not today. I had something to do. The head master wanted us, me and Peach, to do something about school promotion. I wanted to refuse it but what I can do. Like or not, I had to do it. My day became hectic because of that. I wanted this is end soon. I was tired. I wanted to meet Oh. Fuck. I became addicted to his presence. I am addicted to him.

When we are done with everything, we decided to rest on the bench near school office. Peach and I just had usual talk. We talked about subjects and other stuff. After having a break in our relationship, me and Peach became like a close friend. We understand each other more than when we were in relationship. It was so nice. We seemed so happy right now.

Peach suddenly waved her hand and called Oh who walked to us. He gave us smile. He said he wanted to go to school office. Peach asked him to back home together and he agreed with that idea. And I didn't like it. Why he agreed to go back home with Peach? He should go back home with me not Peach!

Like God in my side, Peach should leave first because of family matter. She told me to stay, so I could tell Oh if she can't go back with him. I had to thank God for that. Why God always be nice to me? I am not that good to deserve this but I didn't care. All I cared about is I will be the one who drove Oh back to his home. Yes!

"She already left. Come with me" I told him when he was looking for Peach. He hesitant and refused it first but I forced him. I drove him home. On our way back, he always looked at me. It made me feel uneasy. My heart was beating fast. Stop looking at me, Oh. I need to concentrate. Do you want me to lost my control and jump on you?

"Is there something on my face?" He didn't answer me. He kept silent after that.


After that day I drove him home, he was ignoring me again. I didn't know why. Why he suddenly did that to me? Did I do something wrong again? As I remembered, I never bully him again. I always treat him better. So, what it was again?

And the bad thing about it is my mom called me to bring Oh home to sleepover. My mom is really something. Why you did this to me mom? I cried in my mind.

I pleaded him to go home with me. I did what I should do. Even though I should knee, I would do it to finish the task from my mom. If I couldn't do what she want, she will cut my money and no car for a month. She is really scary. But thanks God, Oh would come along.

At night, he said he wanted to sleep on the floor and I didn't argue with that. I wanted to argue but I knew he is stubborn, so I will let him do what he wanted to do. He was mad because I didn't stop him when he said he wanted to sleep on the floor. Aish. This cute boy, why is so hard to please him?

"If I asked you to sleep on the bed, you will refuse it and it will waste my energy. So, I will let you do whatever you want to do" Fuck. What have you done, Copper? You stupid jerk. Why you said like that to him? Nice. Now, how could he like you if you acted like a jerk, asshole? I cursed and slapped myself in my mind.

He got angry with me. He slept on other side of my bed. He gave me a death glare. I felt so bad. I didn't dare to look at him. I kept play game in my phone and waited until he felt calm down. But before I could talk to him, my phone rang and it was from Peach. I picked up the call. Peach asked me about our assignments and task from school head master. It took awhile before she ended the call. I back to bed and called his name.

"Oh, are you sleeping?"

He didn't answer me. Maybe he already slept. I laid back and closed my eyes, tried to catch some sleeps. I closed my eyes but I couldn't sleep. I felt my bed is moving. I felt Oh came closer to me. I felt he stared at me. Looked at my face. I didn't dare to open my eyes. I didn't want to shock him. My heart was beating so fast again. I tried to control my breath. Tried to breath normally. My bed was moving again. I could feel he was moving away. I heard my door was open. I opened my eyes and I saw him go down stair to the terrace. I followed him.

He was there, standing. He grabbed his phone in his pocket and called someone. I didn't know who he was calling in this midnight.

"Will my heart be okay, mom?"

His voice trembled. It sound hoarsed. He knee down. His eyes was watering. The tears was running down to his face. It hurted me. I wanted to run after him and hug him. I didn't like to see him like that. It made me cry. I hurted me alot. My heart was hurting to see him in that state.

Did I hurt him again?


I woke up early. He still slept beside me. I looked at his face. His eyes still swollen because of crying all night. I traced his face. I touched his cheek. Cared it gently. I moved closer and kissed his forehead.

"I am sorry if I make you cry"

I got up from bed and went to kitchen to make a breakfast for him. My parent haven't wake up yet. Thanks God for that. If they knew what I was doing, they will tease me forever.

I back to my room with breakfast in my hands. He still sleeping. I put his breakfast on the table. I waited for him to wake up. I walked to the window and opened the curtain to let sunshine came in to my room. Suddenly he woke up.

I gave him his breakfast and watched him eat like a kid. He was so cute when he is eating. His lips was moving so sexy in my eyes. Like it invited me to land a kiss on those lips. I smiled at my silly thought. He made me became pervert. I back to my sense when he asked me why I still there.

"Waiting for you to take shower and go date"

When the word 'date' came out from my mouth, he chocked. He coughed. He felt uneasy. He was so cute when he feels so shy. Fuck. Why he should be this cute in this early morning. Please stop being cute, Oh or I will lost my control and do something that I might be like!

I told him if it wasn't a date with me but with my mom. But I teased him if he wanted to have a date with me, I would do it. He refused and ran to bathroom. Cute.

After he showered and changed, he went out with my mom. I should wait until tomorrow before I could see him again. Tomorrow, please hurry up come!


Another update

Hope this Copper POV doesn't make you feel bored

There will be 2 or 3 chapters more before we back to future with Oh POV


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