"Nothing dad, and Im sorry, but I really don't want to become a vampire" I said.

He shook his head sighing, "You don't have to apologize, it's your choice" he told me as he picked up things from the table.

For some reason I felt like I had just greatly disappointed him, to which I probably did.

I let out a deep breath and looked at him sadly, I felt divided, part of me was determined to stay human, but the other wanted to make my parents happy and to make them happy I had to obviously be one of them.

"Dad I know it makes you guys upset and I know mom will be even more upset when I tell her I don't want to a vampire" I gulped thinking about her reaction, the way she looked at me desperately yesterday made my stomach turn!

"Don't worry I'll talk to her," he shrugged not looking at me.

"Dad," I whined sadly, I hated to see him sad!

"And there's another thing Annie," he told me looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You'll have to stay with grandma for a couple of weeks, this coming winter break actually," he told me.

I opened my mouth slightly surprised and frowned "Weeks?" I repeated.

He nodded and pretended to be cleaning up more, "Yes, if you chose to stay a human and Andy is changed into a vampire we need to help him learn how to control himself, it's going to be really hard for him if you're here while he's learning" he told me.

I gulped more feeling a bit sick, "Why? Because he might want to suck my blood?" I asked in a teeny voice.

He let out a deep breath and hesitated on answering "Yeah, I guess you could say that" he finally said.

I felt myself going paler, "Wait....when is Andy getting....changed?" I asked even quieter.

"This weekend" he told me.

It was almost like if a brick wall had hit me!

My eyes popped out of their sockets and I definitely felt more awake now!

"This.....this weekend?" I gasped, "Isnt it to...soon?" I whispered having to grab onto the counter for support.

This weekend?!

3 days from now Andy would be turning into a vampire?!

Dad shook his head, "The sooner the better Annie, besides you guys will be out in vacations by this Friday, he'll have the whole break to learn how to control himself" he replied quietly.

They want him to stay at 18, I thought feeling sick, like them.

"It's.....so soon!" I shook my head not really believing it, this was happening too fast!

My brother would be a vampire in less than 3 days!

"It's for the best, by the time you guys go back to school Andy will already learn how to be controlled, hopefully" dad replied.

"Does he know?" I asked.

"Yes of course"

"Is he okay with it?"

"Yes. Annie we talked about this"

"Why didn't you guys tell me it'd be this soon?" I whispered.

Dad stared at me as if I were dumb making me realize the reason, of course I'd object, I'd protest and try changing Andy's mind or something like that, of course they wouldn't let me in on this.

My Parents Are Vampires?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن