Chapter 71- Te Amo

Start from the beginning

"Dad am I doing the right thing marrying him?"

He looked at me then held my hand in his which was clutching his forearm. My veil was heavy but see through and I could feel his eyes scanning me thoroughly. Then he smiled and we both stopped walking for a brief minute.

"Do you love him?"

My heart was clear so was my brain so I answered back looking at him this time.
"I do."

His smile became even wider and he rubbed his fingers on the back of my hand then questioned again.

"Is there someone else you love as much as you love him?"

I instantly shook my head and replied with a voice full of confidence
"No one. That's not possible."

"Does he?"

I nodded my head in response and stayed silence. Whole damn hall was now looking at us suspiciously as we were still glued to our spot not making any movement. I knew he would be anxious too that he would think that I was having second thoughts. I didn't want him to be angry but just as much as I wanted to be with him I was scared.

He pressed my fingers for assurance.
"Then there you have your answer."

"I can tell how much he loves you. He will protect you. He will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. There's no need to be worried."

A stamp on the final step. That's what I needed to hear from someone I trusted. Even though I already knew it. I finally smiled back and muttered happily.

"Thanks dad."

Walk was resumed and we finally reached at the last step. Enrique came down from the stage but before he could take my hand dad stood in front of me and spoke in a serious tone.

"Take care of my princess."

His voice full of determination and confidence could be heard loudly.

"I will."

Then he turned to me. I wanted to look at him but all I did was stare at his shoes. I was so nervous that my hands started shaking but he grabbed them and took me to the stage making me stand in front of him holding my hands softly. I started composing myself for what I had planned. Priest started his speech then at the end looked at him.


I could feel his intense gaze making me bite my lip continuously. Then he spoke finally making me smile inwardly.

"I want to hear her's first."

I finally looked up to meet the eyes of the most gorgeous looking person in my life and spoke those words at last.

"I love you!"

It was like an electric shock. He flinched. He froze. Then he remained stick to his position. His hands left mine and he kept staring at me with wide eyes. Guests started cheering and called his name to make him come out of the trance and he finally looked at their side racking a hand through his perfectly styled hair.

"Oh come on. This is her first time saying this to me."

They all started laughing at his reaction. He didn't even look at me after that and kept his attention to his shiny shoes clenching his fists and closing his eyes and spoke to the priest.

"Move on."

And then the final part started at last.

"Do you Enrique montario take Natalie Williams as your lawfully wedded wife?"

He muttered while biting his lips eyes still closed head bowed down.

"I do."

Then the priest turned to me.

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