Chapter 18

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Natalie's P.O.V

I was sick for two whole days which left me totally weak and grumpy. I couldn't eat anything because of sore throat and for two freaking days only thing that went down my stomach was that soup and poisonous syrup.

I felt like my tastebuds were all dead. Everything felt so tasteless then I remembered that tonight I had to go to that party, which brightened up my mood suddenly.

Yayyy.... there will be food !!!


"Natalie, you have to go, he's a very nice guy. I know his mother for two years. They are nice people. Trust me you'll like him."

Next day after I came back from university, my mom dropped a bombshell on me by setting me up on an arranged date. She was bragging so much about that guy, I started thinking may be she's smitten.

"Mom, why do you have to be so cheesy about my dating life? I told you, I am not ready yet. I can't think about anyone seriously now."

"Natalie, you have to forget everything happened before. Start moving on. If you won't try how will you know if you're ready or not?"

"Mom, please! Try to understand. I can't just miraculously let go of things which happened right before my eyes. Please cancel it."

"Listen to me my baby girl. You can't live in the past forever. You even rejected Adrian who should have been your first priority since he knows you better than anyone else. I didn't say anything that time but not anymore. You have to go, I won't go back on my words. Just go on this date and try to move on. There's no pressure."

"Mom... please.. I can't.... will you..?"

"No Natalie, it's done already. No more excuses. I love you and I want the best for you. You know that right?"

"Hmm I love you too. Alright I'll go..."

"That's my daughter. It's day after tomorrow so go on shopping with me."

"Mom, no shopping okay? I am extremely exhausted because of university's hectic routine. Saturday is my bed day. I have enough dresses, I'll look presentable. Don't worry since I've already agreed so I won't embarrass you..."

"You're refusing to go on shopping? You sure are tired. Alright! Go freshen up. I'll set the table for dinner."


Enrique's P.O.V

Two days. Two whole days I didn't see her. She was not even in class which confirmed my suspicion that she was sick. How badly I wanted to see her just once. After constantly telling myself not to worry about her still under some trance, I drove towards her house. Right in front of her house,I got my senses back. What was I thinking? Why the hell would I even come here? I am totally turning into a stalker.

"Yeah jerk face, you're realizing it all, after  JUST  FOUR  MONTHS."

I stepped on the race pedal and drove back to my apartment.

Next day, I saw her finally. She looked a little pale but recovered. She was sick and I can't even ask her if she was okay now !!! Just because of my stupid anger and lame ego. She was talking and laughing at something her friend told her and I forgot to take steps to my class.

She's so beautiful without even trying. How can her laugh be this contagious? I felt my heartbeat rising. I averted my gaze and started walking towards class. Why my heart feels so weak all of a sudden? It was beating so fast, it felt like it's going to rip apart. I went straight to my friends and started talking about random things,  completely ignoring what my heart felt a minute ago.

I went back to my apartment in the evening and tried to watch a movie to distract my mind but that didn't work. I called my friends and told them to go clubbing tonight. Yes it will help me! I took a long shower, relaxed my mind and got ready. Then drove my car to our usual club.

"Hey dude, what's up? We are so honoured that you called us to meet you." Ryan tried to tease me with a playful smile plastered on his face.

"Haha...hmmm... Was just in the mood to chill out a little so..." I replied in a casual tone.

"Good. You should distract yourself." Ryan said with a knowing smile.

"Distract? From what?" I asked. Wait? Does he know that I am suffering withdrawal effects of drug Natalie?

"Nothing, I mean you look tired so it's good to break free from your usual routine." Ryan spoke which made me relax a little.

Thank God!! I don't want anyone to pity me..

Drinks were served. Then Ryan signalled two girls coming to our direction. There was a spot free beside me. One of them without hesitating a bit, sat on it. I didn't look up. Let it go Enrique, distract yourself. Chat a little like you always do. Probably you should kiss her that won't cause any harm. You're sexually frustrated that's why you keep going after Natalie....

"Hey buddy, it's Natasha. She's in the English department and Natasha this is Enrique, my best friend." Ryan introduced us. Only thing that got my attention was her name. Natasha... nice name also starts with N but Natalie is the most perfect and beautiful name than any other name in this world.

Again Natalie!!!

I looked up she was staring at me, I was looking at her face and I didn't blink. She would have thought that I was interested. All I thinking was, that why her eyes were not those light brown orbs, her cheeks not those rosy cheeks, her lips not those plump lips, her hair not those dark brown waist length wavy hair.... nothing like Natalie.

I sighed loudly and started looking back to the glass placed before my eyes on the table. I felt like I was going to vomit any minute but I still tried to calm myself. We all talked more for thirty minutes when I started feeling extremely dizzy so I told Ryan that I wanted to go back.

"Fine, I'll drop you. You're not in the condition to drive." Ryan offered more like ordered me in a final tone.

"No, you don't have to. Stay here and enjoy. I'll take a cab." I said since I didn't want to disturb him.

"Just shut up, Enrique. I am not in the mood to take your shit. I am already angry at you. Don't make me punch you right here." Ryan muttered in a harsh tone.

"What? Angry at me? What did I do?" I was completely shocked and confused at his statement.

"That's the issue you didn't do anything." Ryan spoke in a cold tone this time.

"What? Try to say clearly, may be then..." I was cut in the middle by him.

"Let's go." He said and started walking out of club.

To be continued...


Next update in few hours :)

Extremely extremely important so keep waiting.

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