Chapter 41

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This chapter is specifically dedicated to those who have voted on each chapter, I repeat it's only for my voters.

I know all of you who never read it silently without appreciating my efforts and hardwork :)


Natalie's P.O.V

Ryan told me that Enrique was sick and he wanted me to go there. I wanted to say no because it's his apartment like he was asking me to go to a guy's apartment. It's so awkward, me going there. If he was in his parent's house, I would've agreed without any second thoughts but at his place..... I agreed at last thinking that since he has helped me too, I'll return the favor.

I was walking towards my class because I thought of visiting him later than that but right before I was about to step inside, I turned back. He could be really sick, I should skip this one.

I stopped my car in front of a pharmacy to buy medicine for him then did some grocery from a convenient store and finally drove my car to the given location. After reaching there, I started getting nervous, thinking what am I even doing?

I parked my car then got inisde the elevator. His apartment was on third floor of the building. Elevator's door opened, making my heart beat faster than ever. I walked towards his apartment's door and stood in front of it with a confused state of mind.

No, I can't do this. It's so awkward.

He won't like it. Why would he even let me in if he's not letting anyone else see him?

What if his girlfriend is in there?

What if he's shirtless or in some other awkward position?

It's a guy's apartment for God's sake.

What was I thinking intruding in his privacy like that? I shouldn't go.

I started walking back to the elevator and pressed the button. Door opened, waiting for me to get inside but I turned back to his apartment.

He always interferes in my matters. Doesn't he? He walked into my room without my permission. He always forces me to do things out of my will. Why should I hold back now?

It's time for you to have a taste of your own medicine, Enrique Montario.

I entered the passcode. Right after stepping inside, I regretted my decision. I was getting nervous again! Where did that confidence go Natalie?

To hell with this shit.

I placed shopping bags on the couch and took a good look at my surroundings. His apartment was neat and clean unlike what I expected. I don't mean to be rude but guys are usually lazy and when it comes to cleaning, they are perfect snails.

There were two rooms. One at the start, a little far from the entrance and one at the end. A kitchen on the left side and a living room in the middle. I walked towards the first room. It was locked. Why would he lock a room in his own apartment? I moved towards the second one.

After releasing some breaths, I slowly opened the door and found him. He was lying on the bed, covered in blanket, oblivious to his surroundings. Lights were switched off so I couldn't see clearly. The hell, where's the switch now?

I used my cellphone's flashlight to find it and turned the lights on. He still didn't budge. Either he's a heavy sleeper or fainted? Shit. I started walking towards the other side of the bed where he was lying on. The cracking sound made me look down to the floor. There were pieces of broken glass everywhere. I looked up at him in anger.

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