Chapter 63

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Natalie's  P.O.V

Next day when I woke up Victoria called me and asked to hang out with others. None of my friends knew what I went through and I will never let them know that I actually cried for a cheater like him. I wasn't at all in good condition. I had a severe headache and my whole body was aching badly. I barely slept for three hours and those three hours didn't help even a little to calm my nerves.

He's not in my life anymore. I need to move on. I shouldn't even think about him. I kept telling that to myself but that image was still fresh in my mind. This is what happens when you trust people blindly. I felt helpless just as much as Irina was when she went through the same thing. I get it all now. I get why she did what she did. She couldn't see the love of her life in arms of someone else.

But why do I feel this way? He cheated. I broke up. I should be happy now. I knew it from the start. I knew something like this was going to happen. Then why does it hurt so much? Why does it feel like I'll never be able to get over him? Do I lov--- No. Never.

With built up sadness and frustration I got up from the bed and took a long warm shower. I got ready then took two painkillers to ease the unbearable pain.

But the moment I climbed downstairs my pain increased ten times more. Enrique was standing there. He still had the guts to come to my house? He explained everything how Amanda was involved and he didn't kiss her but it all sounded lame to me. Fucking lies. I didn't believe even a single word not his tears not the concern and longing in his eyes. None of it.

I walked outside and got in the car hurriedly. I leaned back in the leather seat and closed my eyes and it happened again. Tears started flowing down to my cheeks. NO. He doesn't deserve my attention. I pressed my eyes brutally and tried to even my breathing pattern. I told my friends everything and just like mom none of them believed me. Ashley was consistent that what he said was correct.

Victoria and Ashley were one year senior in university than me and they knew what kind of girl Amanda was. They kept telling me to change my mind and go back but I promised myself not to let my self get degraded again. He's such a player that everyone believes him no matter what he does. But not me. Not this time.

Next week Adrian came back and I felt guilt covering my pathetic self again. I rejected him and dated someone who broke my trust and me altogether. There's no other man in this world I could trust as much as I trust him. I told him everything that happened with Enrique very nonchalantly and even he was shocked.

He got so angry that he punched the table. His knuckles were all red and he asked me where he could find him. Never in my life I felt that scared of him. He was like a beast, an angry beast who was ready to kill Enrique then and there. I got so startled that I didn't know what to do. Thank God in the very moment mom barged in the living room and told me to go upstairs. I don't know what she told him and how she said it but when I saw him again he was acting differently. She must have explained how none of this was his fault because a girl spiked his drink. What a lame story he made up that day.

It was eleventh day after we broke up but everything was still fresh in my mind. I acted like none of it mattered to me but every night I would cry myself to sleep. Being broken made me emotionless. I forgot the last time I smiled brightly. Everyone kept asking me if I was okay but I was too egoistic to let them know what I was going through. Too egoistic to believe in him again. Too egoistic to accept what my heart had been feeling.

Adrian and I were sitting outside in the lawn of my house talking about random things here and there when Enrique came again. He looked at both of us talking and I saw him getting tensed again but he suppressed the anger and tried to maintain his calm demeanor by talking in a soft voice.

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