Chapter 40

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Natalie's P.O.V

I finally went with Enrique today. It was the first session so of course it didn't help. I so wanted to tell him to never take me there again but changed my mind. He's a guy I don't know for so long yet he still wants me to get better at any cost. I'll try harder this time. I also want to get better, let go of things that have been haunting me for two whole years in my nightmares.

I don't get it. How could you care for someone that much when you don't even know them properly. This was the second time, he saw me crying and it was the second time, he hugged me like that.

First time in forever, I felt safe and protected in his arms. I found myself getting calm under his touch. He's a mystery. Sometimes he talks like he knows everything. After stepping back a little I saw, he was crying too.

Does he care for me that much? Sometimes his eyes are swarming with hundreds of emotions which confuses me. Does he...... does he love me? But that's not possible. He already told me that he loves someone else then why does he care like that? Why am I his priority? He said, "Because it's you, Natalie Williams." But why it's me?

It took me five long sessions each consisting of two to three hours and I finally gave in. I told dr. Evelyn everything. Enrique was with me every single time. Now he knows it too, my misery that I never wanted to share with the world. Vision of my broken personality, I never wanted the world to see.

I kept crying throughout those sessions but I wasn't the only one. There was someone else who acted like he knew my pain and suffering and was going through it with me every single time.

I went downstairs to talk to my parents. It was Friday evening and they both were at home luckily. I saw them and exhaled deeply. Then moved towards them. They both looked at me with a smile. A smile which gives me power, gives me strength, makes me want to move on.

"Mom and dad, I've something to tell you."

"Go on, princess. What is it?" Dad made me sit on the couch beside him and stroke my hair gently.

"I've started going for a therapy to a psychiatrist. Enrique forced me to give it a try and I agreed finally." I looked at both of them, they looked eager for me to speak and I told them finally.

Their reaction wasn't what I was expecting. I thought they will jump up in joy or ask me hundreds of questions that what changed my mind but it was completely opposite. They both exchanged a look which confused me even more.

"Why you both don't look shocked at all?" I questioned in irritation.

"Actually, we both know about this already. Enrique told us." Mom spoke finally, making me shocked at her statement.


"Yes and actually in return, we have something to tell you too." She spoke sighing a little while contemplating by fidgeting with her fingers.

"What is it?"

Dad looked frustrated yet concern evident in his eyes, looking at me very keenly then spoke in a low tone.

"We told Enrique everything about what happened in Brazil and everything related to Irina. He came three months ago to ask us why were you crying in Brazil at her death anniversary. He looked concerned and forced us to tell him. If he was any other person we wouldn't have but he's my best friend's son. We can trust him."

My world turned upside down. It wasn't because they told him without asking for my permission, it was because he knew it but still acted like he didn't.

"So he knew about it all this time yet he acted like he didn't know a thing?"
I asked again still being unsure of what dad told me.

"Natalie my baby, it's okay. He was worried for you. After hearing all of that he looked hurt more than we thought. He really cares for you."

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