Chapter 7

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Natalie's  P.O.V

The professor just came in and roll call started. As soon as she finished someone knocked on the class door. 

"May we come in, Mam?" I looked up and sighed lightly. Finally they are here, my two musketeers Ashley and Victoria.

"Yes, come in. Have you both registered for this class too?" Miss Ellen asked smilingly.

"Hahaha no mam. It's a tough subject. Only our seniors are capable of passing this subject without any difficulty." Victoria said seductively pointing at that 'jerk group'.

What the hell girl?

"Actually we're here to find someone. It's kind of important." Ashley said while searching me in the class.

The moment she found me, her eyes lit up but she kept it hidden. She was angry at me because last night I told her that I came yesterday to the university but left early that's why I couldn't met them.

She whispered something in victoria's ear and she saw me too. She smiled widely at me.

"Mam, we found her. Miss Natalie, can we talk to you outside?" Ashley asked in a challenging tone this time.

I saw heads turn towards me as she mentioned my name.

"After class." I said in a monotone. I knew they were mad at me but I've to attend classes man. I bunked yesterday too.

"It's important, so come..... Now. " Ashley said in an authoritative tone forcing her tongue on last words.

"After class." I spoke again in the same tone which made both of them glare at me and they left sighing after giving me a murderous look.

That jerk and his friends were looking at the situation very amusingly.

Anyhow the lecture started and after thirty minutes miss Ellen allowed us to go. I packed my stuff  and left the class. And soon as I left the class I heard four girls yelling.

"Natalie, welcome to New York."

Two of them were Ashley and Victoria but the other two were new faces.

I laughed at their childish behavior. I walked towards them and Ashley without even giving me a heads up, hugged me very tightly. The rest of them joined too. It was such an emotional drama but I couldn't help giggling at their reaction.

"I missed you idiot.... a lot.... but I am sure you didn't." Ashley said in a low voice with small pauses.

I knew how she was feeling. We were meeting after 6 months. After that accident I shut everyone out and told my friends to go to New York and follow their dream. It was hard letting them go. Ashley didn't want to leave me behind but I was not in my right mind that time. I didn't want to see any of my friends so I pushed her to go there and told her to never contact me until I am ready.

After looking at her teary face I couldn't control either and hugged her again.

"You've no freaking idea how much I missed your ugly ass. It's just that I wanted to show it all face to face."

Her eyes sparkled at my reaction.
I retracted my arms and shook hand with the rest of two.

"I am Elena and this is Jasmine. We've heard so much about you from Ashley and Victoria that it feels like we already know you. Only difference is that you're more pretty than in pictures." Elena said in her cute voice.

"Well I never imagined that these ugly asses could make such cute friends without me. Anyhow nice meeting you both." I said smiling at them.

"Let's go. We've a lot to talk about and I am hungry too." Finally Victoria spoke throwing her hands in air, dismissing any further drama.

Enrique's  P.O.V

"So she's a fresher but already has friends in University and most importantly she's friends with Victoria. Hmm interesting!" Ryan said while smirking.

At first I thought being 'miss attitude' she won't be a very friendly person. But watching her friends being all close to her and the way she was smiling back at them made me rethink about her personality.

"I would love to be her boyfriend. I think we'll look good together." Ryan said like he was already imagining things.

"Do you think she'll accept you? I mean she's a girl who slapped .... oh I mean who's a little sassy. She doesn't look like an easy girl." Ian said being a little unsure.

"Well I'll just have to try harder then because I really like her. She's hot and cute at the same time and about her rejecting me, I think I'll have to think about how to seduce her first. Has any girl survived my seduction ever? Just an expensive gift and my good looks and she'll be all over me just like any other girl." Ryan said and winked at Ian.

"Hahaha sure. It's going to be fun. Now let's go to cafe, I am hungry." Ian said and we all started walking towards the cafeteria.

Which I didn't understand was, that I felt slightly jealous when Ryan said that they'll look good together.

If she accepts him that means she'll be his girlfriend? Oh God no! Just the mere thought of it made a shiver run down my spine. That can't happen, that shouldn't happen. I don't like her but she shouldn't be with Ryan. It doesn't make any sense. Right? I wished inside that she rejects him. I don't know what I'll do if they started dating but probably I shouldn't even care.

Why should it matter to me? If she's a girl who falls for good looks and an expensive gift then being worried about her is not worthy at all. I shrugged the thought and started walking with my friends.

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