Chapter 27

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Enrique's  P.O.V

After I was done with all the paper work and legal stuff. We went outside.

"Let's go to a restaurant. I am extremely hungry."

I wasn't going to let her go just like that. I want to spend every minute I can, with her.

"Mmm... drop me at home. Some other day maybe."

She immediately rejected my offer by moving towards the car.

No way in hell.

"You're not going anywhere. I am sure you're hungry too. Let's eat something first, I'll drop you later and don't say no again. Get in the car."

I opened the front car door for her and sat in the driver seat myself. After thinking for a minute she finally got in.

"Why are you like this? And don't open the damn door again."

She said in an angry tone looking at me sideways.

"So what do you want to eat?"

I totally ignored her by asking that question.
She looked at me with her big sharp light brown eyes and spoke in a deadly calm tone.

"I am going to eat you. Alive."

I started laughing hysterically at that. She was glaring at me and was looking extremely cute.

Yes eat me Natalie because that's exactly what I am planning to do with you in future.

I took her to the same restaurant where I saw her on that damn date! Once we were there, she was still not talking to me. Hahaha my sulking baby!

"Natalie we are here." I looked in her direction and spoke finally.

"Oh so you're talking to me now?" She retorted back angrily.

"Haha hey I was really hungry. I am sure you are too. Plus what's the rush? Can't you spend some nice time with me?" I said in a sad yet convincing tone. She still didn't look at me and muttered coldly.

"Don't open the door again."

I sighed! We can talk about this later. I can't see her in this mood.

"....okay. Please come out now."

She looked at me with her angry kitten eyes and walked out of the car. Then spoke again.

"Why this restaurant?"

"I saw you here once. So I thought may be you'll like it here."

In reality, I wanted to come here just to replace those bad memories with good one's.

"Oh right I was here weeks ago. Food is good here."

"Hmm!" I only nodded in response.

She didn't deny that and I was feeling extremely depressed now,  remembering the time she was laughing with that jerk.

She started walking towards the entrance and I was still indulged in my messy thoughts. She turned back then looked at me with questioning eyes. I smiled in reply.  She's here, stop living in past Enrique. We walked in side by side.

I ordered food which I asked Natalie to choose. Once food was there she forgot she was sitting with me. She ate like a beast. No once could imagine a petite girl like her would eat that much. I laughed at that and she gave me a glare...... a cute little glare.

"Your eating--" I was about to ask her about that when she cut me in the middle.

"Don't ever say anything about my food and eating habits."

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