Chapter 29

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Enrique's P.O.V

At night, I called Natalie because I didn't see her since morning. She told me she left early because she had to go shopping with her mother. She picked up after one bell.

"Hello! How are you?" I asked without waiting for her to speak.

"Haha come on Enrique! Do you have to ask me the same question every time? You just saw me in the morning. I am fine." She laughed a little then spoke in a cheerful tone. Aaahh! I missed this voice!

"Yes I saw you but that was 11 hours ago. So how was your day? Did you miss me?" I finally asked the question I've been wanting to know the answer of, though I clearly knew what would it be.

"Haha it was nice yet tiring and no I didn't miss you." She laughed again at that and yawned cutely.

"Why?" I asked back in disappointment, sighing a little.

"Is that even a question?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Yes it is. Why didn't you miss me? I missed you." Wow I am not even trying to hold back. I was shocked at my own statement.

"Oh! You're on drugs? Sorry I was considering you sober." She retorted back at my words.

"Hahah Natalie...." I started laughing at that she's so funny sometimes.

"Thanks for doing that." She spoke in a serious tone this time.

"For doing what?" I asked back in confusion.

"For clearing everything with Victoria." She muttered in a happy tone. I could feel her smiling.

"Oh you heard! I was going to tell you but I guess she already gave you the details." Shit! I wanted to be the one to tell her about that. I hope she didn't tell her about 'my love' part.

"Yes she did. Saying sorry is directly related to letting go of your ego. So thank you for doing that." She sounded extremely happy and I was glad I made the right choice by talking to Victoria.

"Anything for you! So what will I get in return?" I questioned in a serious tone.

"My respect." She replied back shortly.

"Can I have a place in your heart too?"

Though I am glad she at least respects me now. Score! Wait what did I just ask her? Hold your horses jerk face!

"Where did it go?" She questioned while raising her voice a little.

"What?" I asked back. Is she trying to change to change the subject?

"My gun. Where did it go? Oh, I found it, I am going to kill you now."

I was laughing hysterically now. She's hilarious hahaha here I thought she was actually looking for something.

"Natalie, I was serious." I replied back trying to hold my laugh.

"Do you think I am kidding?" She asked back in a serious tone so I decided to stop it from going any further.

"Yeah..... so let's do this instead, this weekend go with me somewhere." I tried to cover up my hasty behavior earlier.

"Not this weekend. I am busy."
She replied back in a monotone.

"Why are you busy?" I asked in the same tone.

"I have somewhere to go to." Great Natalie! Provoke me. Can't she just tell me things without making me solve riddles?

"Where?" I tried to sound calm.

"How many classes do you have tomorrow?" She asked back totally going off topic, ignoring my question completely.

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