Chapter 49-First touch

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Natalie's  P.O.V

"Yes. I said yes." I spoke like I wasn't telling that to my friends but myself.

"Oh my God. What?" They all shouted together.

"You and Enrique are going to date?" Ashley shouted in ecstasy.

"You and Enrique are boyfriend girlfriend now?" Victoria yelled in disbelief.

"You and Enrique are lovers now?" Elena covered her mouth in shock.

"Are you guys going to kiss like others do?" Jasmine spoke smiling cheekily like a kid.

"Shut the hell up, all of you." Seeing their stupid reaction made me aggravated to my core and I shouted loudly in anger.

"What do I do? What do I do? It's not even me but I feel like I am going to date him." Victoria again spoke throwing her hands in air in amusement.

"Natalie, you guys are goals. You both are so perfect for each other." Jasmine turned towards me and cupped her face in both of her hands and spoke lightly with a wide smile.

"Really, I don't think so." I shrugged my shoulders and spoke while knitting my eyebrows tightly.

"Trust me you are. You are 5 foot 7 inches, he's 6 foot 3. You're bold, confident and beautiful. He's bold, aggressive, possessive and most of all sexy and the best thing is that you both are stubborn. What an amazing sex life you'll have. Aaaah goals,complete goals." Jasmine went on and on without even noticing my anger and shocked look. How could they act like that?

"Shut up. Just shut the fuck up, damn it." I started yelling loudly.

"This is funny to you? This is fucking funny to you all? I am here trying to think and want your advice that how should I convince him to change his mind and you guys are talking about this bloody sexual stuff? Have you all lost your minds? Why am I not getting support from any of my friends or family? Why does no one help me when it comes to him?"

I was hurt. Already hurt at Enrique's behavior and now everyone around me kept acting like me dating him is the most normal thing in the world. Their faces all became serious at my reaction. Ashley sat beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder, rubbing my back lightly then spoke in a soft and convincing tone.

"Natalie, relax. She was just teasing you and why won't we support our friend? Do you really think you can change his mind now when you've already agreed to date him?"

After calming myself down a little, I spoke again in a determined tone.

"I think I can change it. He's just obsessed to the fact that he loves me when he clearly doesn't. I was thinking all night to give it a try but I just can't. Ever since he has confessed, I am getting uncomfortable around him. I try to avoid him as much as I can. Tell me how can I date him when my mind is refusing to accept him at all costs?"

Ashley smiled at my statement making me even more confused than I already was then turned my face towards her and made me look into her eyes which diverted my complete attention towards her and words coming out of her mouth.

"You don't have to ask for your brain's permission to date. Ask your heart. You can't just magically feel something for him so suddenly. Give it time. I am hundred percent sure he'll change your mind and not just your mind, your heart too. Do you even realize the fact that how much you care for him? Would you have given a damn if it was some other guy? Remember that stalker who tried to cut his vein for you? Did you give him a chance? Did you care for him? No. You called him insane and left from there. You care for Enrique  Natalie and you care so damn much that it hurts you. Just take things slow. Talk to him instead. Tell him what you want. Ask him what you want. Don't let your fears become the wall between you two. He's still the guy who was here everytime when you needed a friend. He'll be here in future too. Only difference is, that next time not just as your friend as your boyfriend."

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