"Calm down mate if you wanna be Angry at some one then point it at her." I herd Elliot defensively say. I rolled my eyes.
Sniffing again.

And walked further into the Forrest everything so familiar. Elliot smiled to. We were home. The taxi was out of sight. Letting me rip out a ear covering howl through the air. Every one looked at me confused. X must have told them I was comming home. As expected they were closing in fast. Hiding my scent a shook a little and then carefully jumped on top of a log as 3 guys both humorously shoving one another scrambling while laughing came into view.

I was hiding and they knew it. It was like training to us. I herd a faint twig snap a few meters above me and a girl with bobbed black hair with a pink strip cursed and another male voice snickered next to her. I remained perfectly still in my spot hiding by the leaves. I looked down wearily from the two above me to find the three really buff guys laughing at Miki before snapping their attention to something higher above me as grey and Eliot looked utterly confused, Elliot's was just confusion. While grey on the other hand looked frantic trying to sniff me out ignoring the new comers.

The rustle of leaves was herd before I feel out of the tree.

Greys pov

Jess howled into the sky, by now we were deep in the Forrest and it was just the four of us until I could smell another 3 males running towards us they were all bulk and tall and smelt highly of power similar to my own and Jess's they were shoving each other and whooping through out the quiet Forrest. When they reached us I looked around trying to find Jess who was gone along with her scent. Each of the guys were still joking around.

"Hahaha. Whoooop, hey fellas who's this little hottie?." One of them said until all There heads snapped up into the trees as I continued to sniff around to find her. I didn't want these half naked men to be in my lasses presence.

There was a slight rustle in the leaves and then and oughf Sound as something hit the ground.

It was Jess and on top of her was a woman around her age as well as a guy and they were literally going at it. Knives clashing and body's wrestling as they were struggling to pin her down I growled about to step in when a hand hit my chest. "I wouldn't interfere with her not while she's having fun, I haven't ever seen her smile like that."
He was right as I turned back around her face was full of a beaming smile making me want to jump here right then and there just to stay in the moment well that was until the other three buff guys joined in. I let out a low growl just as they surrounded her in a circle and charged she grabbed the girls hand first sending her to the ground and holding her there with a grunt before grabbing the male whom also fell out of the tree flipping him on his back on top of the girl who grunted from the impact. Elliot stood there smiling like an idiot impressed. Next were the three guys first came the smaller of the three. She somehow karate chopped his side and pretended to throw a punch, in doing so he ducked only to get an elbow to the edge of the neck making him collapse laughing and wheezing under the pressure of her foot. The other two men grabbed her placing their hands all over her body she giggled before bitch slapping them both and grabbing them each behind the head and smashing them together before throwing them on top of the pile and jumping up so she could sit on them all.

She got off them then and they all started getting back up.
"oh thank god you guys are here I missed you way to much." She said smiling at them all as they got up showing their necks to her.

"Well if it isn't our majesty." A black skinned man said he was one of the three buff guys

"Ray don't be like that after all you guys are my bitches!" She laughed

Goddess assassin (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now