Chapter 15

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Hey guys I’m back after a long Break and with a new chapter for all of you …Sorry for such a delay but I promise that this time I will not vanish anywhere before I’m done updating all the chapters :)

Sorry for any spelling for grammatical mistakes...

Ava’s POV

I could barely sleep the whole night...all the I could think about was the kiss I mean the kiss was so good and I don’t know I somehow felt Aiden didn’t want to let go but then again why wouldn’t he want to let go he already has a girlfriend....As I wasn’t reluctant to get up from my bed it took another 30 minutes in the bed thinking that there still was time for school….Suddenly my phone started ringing ….

“Avaaaaa thank god you’ve picked up where are you I’ve left over 50 messages and 5 missed calls its 8:45 you’re late Mrs. Deborah has already asked for a million times ‘c’mon girl get up from you sleep you need to be here within the next 15 minutes” Stephanie said in one breathe

“Calm down Steph!!!” I said still in my sleepy voice

“You are asking me to calm down you’ve already missed the assembly now you are asking me to calm down?”

“Fine fine I’ll be there I’ll try to until that cover up for me “

“I’ve been doing that since the last 45 minutes”

“Advantages of having an awesome friend like you babe”

“Yea yea enough with the buttering I want you here right now”

“Yes mam”

After Steph had hung up the phone I started to panic thinking how did I get so late well yea whenever I engage into my deep thoughts this always has to happen …I somehow brushed my teeth, changed, and ate breakfast as fast as I could…but the next question was how am I suppose to reach school within the next 10 minutes??? Terry had taken the car that jerk didn’t even care about waking me up Arghhh why do I have such an obnoxious, annoying lil brother ….I began looking for taxi’s but no luck suddenly …

“Hey Ava want a drive?” Aiden shows up

I decided to be normal behaving as if I didn’t care he even existed …I wish I didn’t

“Why are YOU late today?? If you’re here how did Steph go to school?” I said in a cold voice

“Well actually my parents were out all night and I had to stay home till they came back so that’s why I’m late  ...and Stephanie today went with Terry anyways you want a lift???”

“No thanks I think I’ll pass “

“Oh then how do you plan on going “

“I dunno walking??”

“Ava the school is a 45 minutes drive from your home how do you plan no making it on time and as far as I know you should be there within 10 minutes”

“That’s my problem you’re the one getting late now talking to me so you can go its fine I’ll manage”

“Fine then best of luck finding Transport” Saying this he left and I stood there like an idiot thinking over and regretting about the thing I just did I could’ve taken a lift what would have been the harm I mean why am I behaving like that …and yet again I get carried away in my deep thoughts ….After 10 minutes it was 9:00 am and I realized I was late already and yet I couldn’t find any transport …after some seconds I see Aiden’s car coming back again and stopping in front of me …

“No luck finding Transport huh??”

“How? Why? Where? I mean why did you come back?? Were you waiting there the whole time??

“Yea I was actually as I knew you wouldn’t get any Transport”

“I really don’t get you at times” Saying this I got into the car

The whole journey to school was though quick because He was driving at a speed of 100 m/s but it still seemed long and awkward as none of us tried making any conversation but thank god we finally reached school and that too within 15 minutes ….

“Wow Ava you finally made it Mrs.Deborah is going nuts for you she’s waiting in the auditorium” Steph informed

“Is she really pissed?”

“I can’t figure really now go go “

As I entered the auditorium there was Mrs. Deborah and her assistant Clark who seemed pretty freaked out oh crap I’ve a bad feeling about this and there was also the other two selected candidates for the prom queen Stacey and her two lil friends looking over the mirror checking for their makeup and then there was Amber Wood who was simple and sweet and not as abnormal as Stacey….

“I’m so very sorry Mrs. Deborah I couldn’t wake up on time”

“Couldn’t wake up? Now that’s a very unexpected behavior from you Mrs. Finn “Mrs. Deborah yelled and I could hear those little squeaky laughs of Stacey and her friends from the back …

“Yes mam I’m very sorry”

“Fine I’ll excuse you for the last time now you have tonnes to do”

“Thank you Mrs. Deborah”

“As all of you three girls know Prom is only 3 days away and still the queen hasn’t been selected well the campaign hasn’t been started yet but the results would be revealed in Prom …I want all three of you to start your campaign to win this title is it clear??”  Mrs. Deborah told all three of us

All of us nodded in agreement..

“Mrs. Deborah as I’m new in this can I take help of Stephanie cooper in this campaign” I asked

“Well certainly Mrs. Finn do all you can but remember not to break the rules”

“Sure mam!!!”

“Steph I have no clue how am I gonna win this thing” I whined to her after coming out of the auditorium

“That’s what I’m here for Ava …first we go for shopping and I already asked Stefan to put up the posters all around”

“Thanks Steph”

“You’re welcome buddy”

Sorry for such a small chapter guys …but in the next chapter it would be one huge chapter as I would start the prom night in there so don’t miss it till then enjoy chapter 15….

<3 rae

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