Chapter 9 (Picture of Terry)

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Ava Ava get up sleeping beauty we’re getting late!!!!”

 BRINGGGGGGGGG BRINNGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! The sound of the alarm clock was almost bursting my ears

“What’s wrong with you Terry is this a way to wake someone up?” I shouted a rubbing my eyes and not even opening my eyes properly I laid back into bed.

“Get up breakfast’s ready get up I know not a very good way but I’ve called you a thousand times you just wouldn’t wake up c’mon it’s  time to get up!!”

“Yea I’m waking up you would mind getting out of the room so I could change” I replied still closing my eyes.

“Fine I’m going out but don’t fall asleep again”

“Bite me “

Only two more days until Prom and I haven’t pick my dress and I still am having second thoughts regarding going to prom but I have to go for three reasons:

·         For Stephanie  she would for sure kill me  if I  didn’t go

·         For George who is someone very sweet and really wants to go with me

·         Thirdly and most importantly I have to see who this Dream girl of Aiden’s is!! Well the third reason is more appropriate well actually this Is the reason I wanna go

Today I decided to go in my casuals and not where something to grand today just in my blue V-necked t-shirt and for a jacket and denim jeans to go with…..when I checked my phone 22 missed calls what the hell!!! How come I haven’t seen all this? Maybe after coming back I was too tired so I feel asleep and when I checked the most Missed class 13 of them was from Stephanie what is wrong with her again? Then 5 more are from Terry and 2 from Stefan and 2 from George!!!! Why does suddenly everyone need me? While I was checking a message suddenly popped out:

Hey nerdy , today I’ll have to leave early in the morning so you have to go to school with someone else I’ll be taking the car and mom called she will be coming back within a week and I’ll leave very early around 7 have some things to clear up.

Seeing Terry’s message I instantly looked at the clock it was 7:45 am so if Terry has left at 7 then who was that in my room and came to wake me up even made the breakfast, I could get the smell from my room upstairs …. Who could it be was it George? No he doesn’t have the keys then could it be Stefan or Steph? Not guessing anymore I went down immediately…

When I found out who was downstairs cooking a Breakfast for me and also woke me up and that even so early in the morning and was also baking the breakfast I love the most Grilled cheese I felt like I would almost choke seeing such a surprising sight….

“Ai- Aiden what are you doing here?” I asked in a calm tone not showing him I was surprised.

“Oh hey Ava finally you woke up ….seriously waking you from sleep is harder than passing in Spanish”

“But how did you get in the doors were locked right?”

“Yea I Broke in…” He joked laughing

“Funny…but really you didn’t need to do all this for me “

“Oh I’m not doing this for you I’m doing it for me you’re just an excuse to eat Grilled Cheese”

I smiled “Yea alright then let’s have Breakfast we’re getting late”

“Yea sure…if there less cheese in the grilled cheese act it’s good “He told winking at me

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