The not so wicked witch of the East City

Start from the beginning

"Ahh, Val!" Yumi Megumi shouted, pointing to a billboard. "Lookie, lookie!"

Val Megumi looked up in the direction of the advertisement. Her eyes shone. "Wow! Barry Kahn's filming a new movie in East City today?! And fangirls are invited to audition for the part of the love interest?!"

Yumi nodded, hoping that her sister would be distracted enough as to not drag her around shopping for new clothes. It worked. Val gathered up all her shopping bags and grabbed Yumi by the arm. "Come on, let's go! Maybe if we're early we can see Barry! I'm so gonna get the part!"

"Uh huh!"

The two sisters raced down the streets to where the movie was being filmed, Val stumbling in her high heels occasionally and Yumi whining about how her legs weren't as long as Val's and that if they arrived sweaty no cute boys would want to flirt with them.

"Makeup, makeup, makeup," Val muttered as she dug through her handbag. "Gotta look good for Barry!"

"Give me some sis!"

"No way," Val snapped, putting on a dollop of eyeshadow. "You're too young for this stuff. I'm the one who'll end up dating Barry Kahn after the movie, not you! You're like ten."

"Eleven soon!"

"Whatever." Val zipped up her purse. "Barry is not a lolicon. His stats on his webpage say so."

Yumi crossed her arms, glaring at the ground. She took off her backpack and unzipped it as Val busied herself by fluffing her hair. Yumi sighed in relief as she saw her precious spellbook still in the bag. The girl had been born with magic in her blood. Her mother was not at all a superstitious woman and had no time for 'voodoo', and so Yumi had never gotten the chance to have her powers coached by a professional. But one day a witch had appeared at her door and gave her what was now her most precious possession: her book of spells. She quickly zipped up her bag.

"Come on, Yumi, mother said I'm not supposed to leave you alone," Val said, huffing. She grabbed her sister's wrist, her fake nails digging painfully into Yumi's skin. "I can already see some sluts lined up!"


Across the city, Kale and Cabba had just finished breakfast and were checking out of their hotel in the lobby when the radio on the receptionists' table buzzed to life.

"Good morning, East City! If you haven't already heard the news, Barry Kahn just arrived today! He's at the local studio where our sources say he's signing autographs. Our sources also say that every female fan in the city should come to audition for the part of the love interest. Pop idol Cocoa Amaguri was offered the role but declined, saying that she couldn't bear to be on the same set as Kahn. Could there be something going on between them?"

The co-host, a female, continued reporting the story. "We've just had the synopsis for the movie, Jeremy: Hero of Time! revealed. Here's what it says: 'Jeremy, the top disciple of Mr Satan, learns about an alien attack that happened on East City over twenty years ago. Unable to see such an act unpunished, Jeremy travels back in time to defeat the aliens, a duo called the saiyans.' It stars Barry Kahn as Jeremy, Mr Satan as himself for a cameo, and Mr Mucho as the 'big, bald saiyan'. Who will the final role of love interest of Jeremy go to?"

"The earthlings know about the saiyans!" Cabba exclaimed as they left the hotel. "But how? I was under the impression that the humans thought they were totally alone in the universe. This kind of knowledge seems dangerous." He turned to Kale. "We should find out more about it. 'Flame-haired saiyan'? That sounds just like Master Vegeta! What if the humans are close to figuring out his secret identity?"

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