They throw themselves at each other in a brief embrace, patting the others back. He ushers us all in, telling us that we could stay in any unoccupied room upstairs.

"Unless," he wiggles his eyebrows at Denmark, most likely suggesting they bed with each other. Ugh.

"Meh, is Greenland here yet?" He asks, absent mindedly.

I remove myself from the conversation and make my way up the stairs. Geez, there are so many rooms to choose from...


A door hits me square in the face, hard. Oslo comes out from behind the door, a panicked look in her eyes.

"Where are they?!" She whispers, a hint of craziness in her voice.

She pushes me out of the way, as if nothing means anything to her, except for whatever she's looking for. I stop her by pulling on her arm. Bad choice. She whips around and slaps me as hard as she can, and for someone that frail and small, she can slap pretty hard.

"Oh, sorry," she apologizes, attempting to cover panic in her tone.

"What are you looking for?"

"Oh- um... Nothing. Nothing important." She smiles quickly before moving on.

That... Was weird. She sounded almost insane! What could she be searching for that's that important? I dismiss the thought, as she probably set her iPod somewhere and misplaced it.

Poland shoots daggers at me with his eyes as he walks by. If looks could kill, he would've killed me when I had first broken up with Oslo.

Anyway, I finally make my way to an empty room. The room is large and feels open. The walls are a light blue-gray color, and the bedspread is just white. A large window stands on the wall furthest from the door. The curtains are a sheer white, light fabric. The slightest wind sends the fluttering in slightly. Sunlight and bright, fresh air floods in through the open window. I toss myself onto the bed.

Wow, I have no clue how long I'm gonna be here, and I didn't bring anything! No clothes, no guitar, hell, I don't have so much as a toothbrush with me! All I have with me is my phone, which is always on me, anyway. If I'm here for more than three days, I'm finding a target store or something.

Oslo's POV

I search frantically for my medication. I had it with me before we came here, where is it now?

Oh god did I- I think I did. I couldn't have! Yep, I left them in the taxi.

I retire to the bedroom which I'm using, as hope is lost. I don't even have a safety pin to relieve my pain that I go through emotionally. Why a safety pin? Well, let's just say that I sometimes 'draw' on my arms and legs. Especially my legs. I punish my thighs for being so gigantic.

I flop onto the large four poster bed. Staring at the ceiling, I think about how much I long to be at home. I miss the familiar smell, the posters on my walls, my closet, my desk. I miss it all so much. It feels like it's been ages since I've been home. It was a small place, but a home it was. Not just any home, my home. I can't believe it's only been a couple of days...

At least my mother is here with me. Things could be worse, I could be stuck with just Iceland, who seems not to like me at all. He could at least be a little bit nice.

I lay here for the entire day. America tries to make me go eat, but I'm on a strict diet. Two hundred calories per day, otherwise I'll keep getting fatter. If I go over five hundred, I have to purge. I hate purging, but I have to if I want to be thin.

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