Chapter 19: Tiana

Start from the beginning

Oh well, That's what she got for lying that she was something she wasn't. A rich girl.

Truth was, Naveen was nearly as rich as Jasmine Sultan, almost as wealthy as Charming. Thus, her being her couldn't be with someone like him. It was far too degrading. So, she just had to lie. Almost always hiding behind a tray or rushing into the bathroom whenever he came into the Disney Diner with his friends.

When she finally found the courage to tell him the truth, he didn't need to say anything at all to tell her they were through.
Basically, he didn't utter a word when she told him. He'd just stared at her, wide-eyed.
She'd turned away first.

After that, their paths almost never crossed. Maybe it was even on purpose. Because each time they found themselves in the same lane or arena, they barely even gave each other the slightest hint of eye contact.

He'd stopped calling, she'd stopped texting. He hardly even came into the Diner anymore.
He did once, however. And from the way he froze at the door, eyes on her, it was obvious he came to confirm if, indeed, she was a mere part time student worker, fighting for her tuition fees.

She knew she'd cried afterwards.

Now, he was gone for sure. Back to chasing other girls and playing musical instruments with Dimitri and Anastasia. News had it he and Lottie were an item.

Lottie. Another problem.

She and Lottie were tight friends. Right from childhood. They still were. Even after everything. Lottie was so oblivious sometimes. Quite sunny and jumpy. Even asking her if she was cool with dating Naveen.

A real sweetheart.

Sometimes she wondered what both of them did during their Political Science lessons together. It sure did make the little cook jealous.

"Oh, Tia!"

Think of the devil.

"Why Lottie. How are -"

"Tia! TiaTiaTiaTiaTiaTia!!!"
The blonde girl squealed and pulled Tiana into a tight hug.

"Lo...Lot...burning. Meat's a' burning!" She fought to speak through her crushed windpipe.

"Oh." Lottie let her go immediately.

Tiana quickly flipped the burgers into a plastic plate and prepared to mince some onions. "What's got you so jumpy?"

"You'll never guess what happened Tia. You never will." Lottie clapped her hands in glee.

"Well..." She put the condiments and vegetable pieces into one pair of buns bread, hurriedly passing the plate to Elsa who was already waiting at the counter for the orders. She then exchanged the plate for an order and stared into it, rushing to a pack of sliced bread.

"C'mon. Guess!"

"How can I?"

"C'mon. Come. On!"

"Ok. Could it be that..."

"Big Daddy already bought me ma very own winter jacket. You should see it Tia. It's Jasmine's Ol' winter party."

Tiana rolled her eyes and shrugged. Lottie always answered her own questions. "So soon, huh?"

"This princess don't need to wait for a week before before she starts her shopping spree. You gon' come, wontcha?"

"You already know the answer, princess." She popped two slices of sliced bread into a toaster.

For more than ten seconds, she noticed the silence behind her. Which was unlike Charlotte LaBoeuff.


"You ain't coming, Tia?" Her voice went low. Surprisingly low.

Tiana tried to smile. "You already knew that, Lottie. What's the big deal?"
She turned back to beating eggs and flour for pancakes.
Another silence followed.

Before she ask Lottie what was wrong, Lottie already whispered "cause of Naveen?"

A vein nearly popped out of Tiana's forehead as she turned around so hard, drops of the batter spilled on the tiled floor, all over her shoes.
Her pancake battered shoes were the least of her problems. "Because of work, Charlotte. Because of work."

It was strenuous not to tell that out. She had to keep her calm.

Lottie's eyes held disbelief.

"I told you to stop bringing that up. If you're dating him, it's OK with me. Stop actin' so guilty all the time." She took steady breaths to calm herself down.

Lottie sighed. She knew she had to change the subject. "You're always working? Tia. Always."

"Somebody's gotta. How am I meant to pay my school fees? I ain't gonna stress my momma, she's been through a whole lot. I gotta work, Lottie."

"I dunno why you can't just accept the offer from Big Daddy. You're family. And it's just the two of us. He don't mind paying yo fees..."

"He's done too much as well. And he can't fend for me forever. I gotta start my own work. I ain't getting any younger. And I ain't got no time for silly parties -" the 'pop' sound of the toaster had her running again. Lottie didn't move from that spot.

"It ain't silly, Tia. I like it. And it's not like I got any real friends to go with."

Tiana sighed. "We'll have lots of fun other ways but... I'm sorry. I gotta fend for myself too."

She sadly turned back to the pancakes, her eyes surprisingly brimming with tears. She wished she was rich most times. Almost everytime.

Kids in this school were loaded. From Mayor parents to powerful Governors to wealthy Sultans. She was one of those scholarship kids who hadn't finished fighting for her future yet. Lottie would know that better than anyone.

Before she knew it, she heard a sniff. Turning around, her best friend threw her arms upon her in a tight hug, less tighter than the first.

"If you ain't going, I ain't going."

Tiana pulled away. "What? Are you crazy? You can't do that. This means more to you than Christmas itself."

"You're right." Lottie sniffed. "Then ama buy you a gown too, Tia. A real pretty gown with lots of sparkle!" Her face returned to being chirpy and bouncy. "Amazing!"


"Uh uh. No takesie-backsies, Tia. Ma word is final." Then she squealed. "Ooh, why didn't I think of this before? Oh, just you wait, T. And you can bake like... 5000 of your cookies for the party...ooh wait till I tell Jasmine. You'll be rich when she pays ya. Oh! I'm so smart!" She hugged Tiana again and happily zoomed out of the kitchen, not even turning back to look at her friend's face.

Tiana froze for a moment then broke into a wide grin.

It would be so wonderful!

The money she could get.

And she could finally take a break from working and actually enjoy with Lottie.

"Oh God," she began before one of her pancakes caught on fire. "Thank you for Charlotte LaBoeuff!"

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