Extra Chapter 4

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"Orange Light" from Blooming Passion

Ryan's P.O.V. (from Ramona's)

Ryan was walking out of the house, arm - and face - in excruciating pain. So much blood got everywhere that he felt absolutely disgusting - it was drying and therefore sticking to him, and the air outside made it feel a bit cooler on his skin. But he was too eager to embrace Ramona. For her to know that he was alright.

"Ryan!" Ramona screamed, running to him from where she stood beside the car. He smiled at seeing her face, and just as she hugged him tight, the cop behind him completely let go upon realizing he wasn't the criminal then.

"Watch out, you'll get blood all over you," he said.

"I don't care," she shook her head against his chest. Then Ramona pulled away to examine the rest of him - her face looked more concerned than he'd ever seen it. It made his heart soar a little bit above the ground.

"What did he do to you?" Ramona asked. Ryan hesitantly answered her.


"This is the boyfriend, ma'am?" another cop asked, coming up from behind her. Both Ramona and Ryan turned to look at him - it was the one that stood outside of the car with her when he emerged. He saw Ramona nod, "Yes."

"And what are your relations to the man inside?"


"And did he previously act violently towards you or your boyfriend?"

The silence that flew through the air was unbearable. He knew all the things Ramona suppressed from so many. He even found out Shawn laid a hand on her at all through pure accident.

Ryan knew Ramona was struggling terribly. She didn't want to tell anyone, let alone speak of the horrors at all. She looked at him for guidance, squeezing his hand tightly. He nodded, thinking she ought to speak up. It was a police officer - the worst that could happen was Ramona goes to court and Shawn gets more time.

"Tell him, Ramona," Ryan said. Ramona turned back to the officer slowly, as if she was trying to delay saying anything. The cop, Tanner on his name tag, raised his eyebrows at both of them.

"Um," Ramona cleared her throat, "he abused me."

Tanner raised his eyebrows even higher into his wrinkled forehead. Ryan realized Ramona's hand was growing sweaty.

"He abused you?"


Ramona's voice was growing smaller by the second. Ryan, in attempt to give her some strength, squeezed her hand. Though it didn't seem to do much.

Tanner opened his thin mouth to ask another question but before he could, more sirens came from down the road. A couple of ambulances turned onto their street and made their way over. Ryan thought he saw some of the neighbors looking out their windows and tried to ignore it.

The ambulances stopped and the paramedics of one ran into the house while those remaining started to walk to them. Ryan's mind suddenly reminded him of how much pain he was still in, though he wanted to desperately sit it out for Ramona while she was being questioned. He knew she needed him.

"How severe do you think the abuse was, ma'am?"

Ramona shrugged. She no longer had her voice it seemed.

"Okay," Tanner tried to elaborate, "what did he hit you with? Did he always use his hands or were there weapons involved?"

"Just hands."

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