Epilogue 4

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(Futures of the rest of the characters - or summaries of them...)

Ryan Tedder and Ramona Wood-Tedder:

Despite eventually having two kids, and a dog through Ramona's convincing of Ryan to get one (a golden labrador retriever named Zeus despite the soft personality), there's more in store for these two. Ryan returns to music after the revolution as he's always done, but Ramona begins to build her way up through the industry as well. Ryan coaxes her to go through school for it to get the basis she never really got, and also provides his own help as expected. They eventually become something of a known duo in music - and eventually Ramona learns three instruments (guitar, piano, cello) and how to sing. She will also release her own music, though it's rare that she does. She'll also eventually know four languages total (English, Spanish, Italian, French) and travels with the guys on tour (is often their translator in the respective countries). She gets into photography on the side. Ryan also, of course, continues to earn more awards for his brilliant work and becomes quite a legend in the industry - one thinks of best producers of the era and the mind often names Ryan as one of them. They, especially Ramona, get the happy ending they've always longed for.

Zach Filkins and Lynn Ross-Filkins:

They get married about a year and a half after Ryan and Ramona do - a wedding themed white, gold, and blush and, per the request of the bride, there are a lot of flowers. They wait another year before having kids and end up having three: a boy and two girls. They will also own two dogs (one of them is small...also per Lynn's request and to Zach's disappointment). Zach also, of course, does his usual work and Lynn returns to school at a community college for two years before becoming a journalist as she's always wanted to - and a good one. She also travels with the band whenever they're on tour and runs a popular blog (photographer Ramona), The Traveling Canary, which serves as a diary and a fashion blog. They're a happy family.

Brent Kutzle and Addie Baker-Kutzle:

This couple elopes in the Andes Mountains just a few months after Zach and Lynn get hitched. Only the small group of friends goes with as well as their immediate families. They don't have kids but have like, five dogs. They also enjoy traveling and doing outdoors-y things all over the world, though not usually when Brent is on tour. Addie doesn't usually join them when they do but instead babysits her dogs and the dogs/kids of Lynn and Ramona. It's a handful that convinced her to not have children - she says "jointly owning five" is more than enough. Nonetheless, they're happy. Granted, it's more chill for them, but good enough. Addie also studies the ecology at an online school and plans to help the environment more in the future through this degree.

Johana Coleman:

Johana moves further up north (near San Francisco), though she visits the others every month for a year before moving back down again. She gets a black cat to keep her company. She also dates other people on and off, after she and Eddie agreed that they wouldn't work. She continues to work as a bartender at various bars, but eventually becomes quite skilled at mixology and gets jobs up at high-end clubs because of this.

Eddie Fisher:

Eddie lives a life on his own with his dog Louie and enjoys it - he sees life in a much happier light when it's returned to him, as the others do. They took it for granted before it was taken. He talks to others after he and Johana agree it wouldn't work out - though it takes him a little while longer to accept it. And he cheers Ryan and Zach on as they raise their (adorable) kids and is, of course, fun Uncle Eddie. He also may or may not occasionally use the hashtag #marriedtotheband.

Drew Brown:

Much like Eddie, Drew basks in a happier life and isn't at all upset about having few people. In fact, with life being returned after the revolution, he puts himself out there more in terms of romance. He has a couple of long term girlfriends, and one of them he also ends up marrying. He doesn't plan on children.

Mark Oglesby and Noel Zancanella:

Mark and Noel return to their lives as well - to their families, friends, and the music business. Noel is happy to produce what he pleases again and basks the most in working with Ryan now. Mark is more than happy to be their manager again and does so with pride, especially after the revolution ends. They, too, celebrate happy endings.

Daryl Conley:

Daryl's offered a job with the government - in fact, several. Though he's happy to become the director of the FBI and he and Carter become friends, even though he and his administration are removed from office due to mistrust (which, of course, is justified). He marries an agent there and has two sons within the ten years after the revolution. He keeps in touch with the others, though Ryan and Ramona especially.

Cherry Hackett:

Cherry retires from all the hard, undercover agent work, despite also being offered many jobs with the government. She's tired of government, really, and rightfully so. She moves to Maine and meets her guitar playing girlfriend there. She marries her after a year, though they don't plan on kids. Cherry takes up a passion she had a long while before - design (fashion and interior). Oh, she also collects vinyl records and her best friend is her border collie, Macie.

Glenn Eng:

Glenn also takes a job with the FBI, doing as he does with technology. He stays single for a long while, though when he's planning to move onto something else after about eight years, he meets a man and finds the love he never thought he'd get. They take a while to marry, but eventually do. He keeps his job because Daryl convinces him to (and the two of them remain best friends).

Simon Lombardi and Charlie Hackett-Lombardi:

They also get married and adopt like, three kids (twin girls and a boy). Simon is Ramona's hype-man at her wedding and his dress business grows - he eventually designs all of his dresses and Ramona remains his "best known celebrity client." She also funds it so it can grow more. Charlie, on the other hand, becomes a stay-at-home dad for the kids and supports his sister when she leaves for Maine, though she does come down to see him for holidays with her girlfriend and dog.

The rest of the country:

It recovers slowly, though it does recover. Everyone mourns their losses and continues on with life, trying to live as happy as they can in the ashy aftermath. Those who led the revolution are more famous than ever - they're heroes. The country opens up their doors again and eradicates every law of the Great Reformation, doing its best to erase every scrap of the dictatorship. And to end it like Harry Potter ended it: all is well.

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