Epilogue 3

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 (Beginning at) Ryan and Ramona's second anniversary...

While Ryan and Ramona had gone to colder climates their first two trips, they took their second anniversary to New Zealand where summer was approaching. As usual, it was calming for both of them to get away from their worries and obligations. Beaches provided comfort and there was plenty for them to do in the way of attractions and experiencing new things. Though admittedly they did spend most of their vacation in bed, which was how they preferred at times.

However, not long after November came around and they were back home in California, Ramona found out she was pregnant. They'd talked about having a baby, of course, especially since Ramona realized she did want a child after all. So it wasn't something unexpected, but she didn't expect it so soon. Nonetheless, she wanted to tell Ryan as soon as possible, of course.

It took her several days to figure out something cute, which naturally involved a lot of research. She was also personally scared for the long road ahead and it made her want to tell Ryan even more - it was hard keeping her worries to herself. Finally she insisted on a cute "we're pregnant!" message at the bottom of a mug and ordered one online. Then the few days for it to arrive were also spent impatient.y. Especially as morning sickness got worse and Ryan noticed she was slightly off at these times.

How he read the bottom of the mug was also, of course, amusing to watch. She made him the coffee after forcing herself to wake up earlier than him (which seldom happened on its own) and saw him drink it slowly while sitting at his computer. She couldn't focus on the book in her lap because she was too eager for him to see.

Then, alas, he got a phone call in the middle which made him take even longer. What was worse, he planned to leave as soon as he finished the coffee and thus would be in a rush. She'd have to point it out to him most likely.

So when Ryan finished, set the mug down, and ran to get his jacket, keys, and shoes, she had to get up and stop him.

"Did you look at the bottom of the mug, babe?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. Ryan immediately stopped and furrowed his eyebrows, then he suspiciously moved back into the dining room where he'd been sitting and picked it up. She stood feet away when he did, biting her lip in nervousness.

"Holy shit," he laughed, looking at her in shock. "Really?!"

Ramona smiled, "I certainly wouldn't joke about that one."

Ryan rushed forward, suddenly hugging her tightly. Then he embraced her at a short distance and looked into her eyes.

"You're pregnant," he repeated in glee. Ramona couldn't stop grinning so widely and nodded enthusiastically. Ryan let out another happy laugh before kissing her, then he laid a tender hand on her stomach.

"When do you want to tell the others?"

The couple made their announcement at the party they held on Christmas Eve when Ramona was about two and a half months along. It wasn't long after she started showing, though, and thus she had to wear a loose-fitting sweater and hide her symptoms as best she could before they spoke of it.

It was right after dinner when Ryan and Ramona stood before the rest of the band and the girls, beaming at them. The rest of them were suspicious up until Ryan jumped right into it.

"All we want to say is that soon, we're going to have another person joining us," he put a hand to Ramona's belly just then and she merely smiled. The others, however, all gave extremely shocked faces, or in Lynn's and Addie's cases, jumped up in excitement.

"You're having a baby!" Lynn cried out as she hugged Ramona tightly. Addie jumped in suddenly, hugging both Ryan and Ramona around their necks.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" she exclaimed. Then Zach and Eddie were the first of the guys to come over, hugging them both with their own congratulations. The rest soon followed as well, and then Lynn immediately launched into her desire to help plan the baby shower despite it being months away.

It would suffice to say that the group was thrilled - even more so than Ramona initially thought they would be. It was pleasing to see the support, though. Especially since Ramona could already feel her venting to them about the aches (that hadn't already started).

The pregnancy went smoothly, for the most part. Ramona was particularly pleased with the lack of issues since she'd been so scared for so much of the time. Though she did hate the feeling come months eight and nine - eventually she was at a point where she simply wanted the child out. And it was very hard for her to bend over and do anything without falling like a bowling pin (like every time she put on shoes).

Though the outcome was worth it. Ryan and Ramona said the whole time that they didn't care what gender it was, but secretly they both wanted a girl.

Then, as for the birth in the middle of July, that also went well. At least in the eyes of everyone but Ramona - her fear of pushing something so large out of her vagina wasn't exactly something that went away. And despite the complications that could possibly arise, she ended up giving up on trying to do it without pain medication. At least Ryan sacrificed the feeling in his hand for her (and her strong grip).

Though at holding her daughter in her arms when it was all over, Ramona cried very hard. She hadn't ever thought she'd be a mother - much less a good one. That, of course, was still to be put the test. She was terrified of being just like hers, despite vowing to not act like her in any way. Ryan assured her that it was alright.

But Ramona's worries aside, it was something beautiful, something that was hardly explainable, even. There she held the tiny creature in her arms as it snoozed, all after having carried it in her for nine months. And for the rest of her life this girl would be her everything right next to Ryan. It was odd to have something else that she would be utterly devoted to, that she'd love with every fiber of her being, other than Ryan. But now that it was in her arms and so tangible, so soft, her decision to have it was one she was quite thankful for.

In addition, Ramona broke tradition and ended up giving the infant three godmothers. She couldn't be expected to choose, could she? Especially before fights broke out over it. Though this could make her grateful for another thing:

Unlike how Ramona had been raised, her child would not run short on being loved by any means.

Hardly over three years later, Ramona found out she was pregnant with their second (and last) child. She gave birth to a boy at the beginning of May.


It's more of a summary rather than an excerpt, but nonetheless! I thought it was cute! Enjoy!

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