Epilogue 1

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WARNING: hella fluff lmao


The October 20th after the Great Revolution.

"Ramona! Let us see!"

Ramona's heart was pounding, as it had been all day. Granted, after a relaxing bachelorette getaway in the Bahamas, she was supposed to be relaxed and confident. Though this was not at all the case. She was in the other room while just a door away sat the girls and her stylist to make last minute adjustments to her hair and makeup.

"Ramona!" called Lynn again after a moment. So Ramona took a deep breath and opened the door, all with one last glance at the tall mirror before her. Then, in the sweeping white lace of her wedding dress, she stood before her best friends, clad in shining gold dresses of their own.

"You've seen it before," Ramona stated blatantly.

"But not with hair and makeup!" Addie argued. Ramona shrugged and started to turn away from them, but then Lynn requested, "Do a twirl!"

Ramona gave a small, tense huff before doing so. They all beamed at her and Addie got up to take her friend by her bare shoulders.

"You are so beautiful," she smiled. Ramona shrugged again.

"What's wrong?"

"She's anxious," Johana replied for her, narrowed eyes on Ramona. "And she has no reason to be."

"It's my wedding! I have every reason to be!"

They all looked at her a long time, all with puzzled expressions.

"No, you don't," Addie shook her head. "You love each other and you're gonna get married and have a great time. There's nothing to be nervous about!"

Ramona shrugged again and turned away from them, standing before the mirror at the other side of the room. Her stylist, Kiara, silently made sure the pearls entwined in her curly bun were going to stay. In the meantime, Ramona stared at herself.

Her hair had been brown for a couple of months now, but it was still foreign to her. Not to mention she looked good in the dress, and her looking good wasn't really something Ramona would readily or easily admit. Between the off-shoulder collar and the complimenting shape, though, she felt beautiful for once.

There was a knock on the door. Eddie's voice came from the other side.

"Hey, it's me. Just passing a message on. Is everyone ready? Guests are getting fidgety. And, uh, so is Ryan."

Addie was the first to laugh but Ramona felt like puking. Everyone seemed to notice it in her face, which certainly felt like it was turning shades of green.

"You'll be fine," Addie firmly said, putting her hands on Ramona's shoulders. Ramona shuddered at feeling her stomach flip.

"I hate when people stare at me," she muttered, thinking of the people getting on their feet to look at her. Not to mention nearly all of them were in-laws, and everyone there for Ramona was just a friend. A lot of those were former Rebels.

"Just look at Ryan."

"That's even worse."

"How is looking at your handsome soon-to-be-husband even worse?"

"It just is."

"Then look at us."

"I don't want to look anywhere!"

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