t w e n t y - n i n e

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3rd pov

Jeongguk didn't had any tears left anymore, his voice was as good as gone and the burning feeling of the ropes wrapped tightly around his thin wrists, made it all just worse.

His eyes were locked on Yoongi's lifeless body. The small boy was laying onto his stomach on the freezing ground, he didn't know if Yoongi was still breathing. His legs were covered in blood, staining the ground.

Jeongguk shutter his eyes tightly, it was all his fault. He never could forgive himself what had happened a few minutes ago. The sight will never leave his mind but will traumatize him for the rest of his life, he didn't know about Yoongi.

Julian had his hand tightly in Yoongi's hair, pressing his head onto the gross cold floor. The pale boy was crying and begging him to stop.

He didn't want this, it hurt. Sex was meant to be pleasuring and willingly by the persons having it. Sex was love, but this wasn't.

Yoongi tried to look at his boyfriend, Jeongguk, but couldn't. His cheek was bleeding due to the hard wooden floor. Julian pulled him up by the hair, giving him the chance to look at Jeongguk.

They locked eyes, Yoongi was crying and begging Jeongguk for help, but The said boy was helpless too, he couldn't move, nor make him stop. He only could watch his boyfriend being raped.

"JEONGGUK!" was the last thing that Jeongguk heard before Yoongi passed out from too much pain.

Yoongi's begging voice screaming his name kept on replaying in his mind, he hated it. He hated how he couldn't help, it made him feel even worse.

"Yoongi, please-" Jungkook tried to sound more confident and spoke up again, "please, wake up."


I'm addicted to SBTS 😭
Also, Thanks for you patience!

camboy ♡ yoonkookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang