I tear my eyes away, turning to my mother again.

"I beg your pardon?" I ask, trying hard to remain civil.

"My dear I really do believe that the horrendously loud car you drive has messed with your hearing. Change. I loathe what you're wearing." She scoffs, rolling her eyes at me before continuing to stab the carrots.

Might as well be my heart.

She's officially lost it.

All that botox and country club parties have gotten to her head. I open my mouth to protest but Austin speaks first.

"Don't be ridiculous Mother, Addie looks lovely." He smiles at me, showing off the dimples that I had come to love and for a moment I look at my brother with shock evident on my face.

Austin used to love being with us. Always making us laugh and joking around, he practically raised us when our parents were too busy to do so.

Jokingly telling us that Aaron and my eyes sparkled when we were together and that it was a special magical twin trait. He made us feel loved. He made us feel wanted.

For a moment I see the same Austin. For a moment he seems like his old self again, not the one who distanced himself from us and spent all his time either travelling or preparing to take hold of Alderige Enterprise.

He seems like the same loving, protective and helpful brother he used to be.

I almoat hesitantly smile back, noticing his posture visibly relax. Nodding at me, he looks over to Mother who eyes the exchange between us.

"Did I ask for you're opinion Austin? She either changes or dosen't eat with the Alderiges." Mother states and reaches for her glass of wine.

Rage bubbles inside me but I urge myself to stay calm.

So I give my Mother a look, hoping it conveys the emotions and fire burning within me, before turning my gaze to my Father, distantly unbothered eyes stare back at me.

Austin is about to protest again but I don't let him.

"Well then, goodbye and bon appetite Mr and Mrs Alderige." With those final words, I stand up and make my way outside.

Covering myself with my jacket against the chilly air, I unlock my car to get inside but a firm hand grabs my wrist.

I turn and there stands in front of me, my elder brother, looking down with infinitely kind smokey eyes. Within seconds he engulfs me in a bear hug and I find myself returning the embrace.

"I'm so fucking sorry." He whispers "I missed you Addie, please forgive me for my behaviour baby sister."

"I was never mad at you to begin with Aussie." he grimaces at the nickname, accusing "Liar." and in turn I grin sheepishly "Okay maybe I was a little angry."

"And just because I missed you dosen't mean that I missed that name as well." He mocks anger, looking away defiantly with a cross of his arms and I almost roll my eyes at the act.

"Stop lying to yourself, Aussie." I tease.

He turns to look at me with a seriousness then those wisps of smoke soften with grief "I really missed you troublemakers. I miss him so much, I miss Aaron and every memory tied to him. I can't even imagine how it must have been for you amd I'm sorry for not being there to comfort you."

Moisture pools at the corners of my eyes, I swallow, looking away with a nod.

He reaches forward to give my hand a squeeze just as a lone tear trickles down my cheek.

CrossroadsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя