Laughing Jack X Reader

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You walked around in the city trying to find a good place to eat. You lived near the city and near the beach... It was nice. You couldn't find any place to eat so you thought of going home and call after a pizza. When you got home, stared the sun to set. You got into your small but fitting apartment, and called after a pizza.

The pizza arrived not long after and you enjoyed it. After that moment cleaned you up after yourself and started to watch some YouTube videos. It got bored really fast, and you didn't think of doing much this night either. In the end decided you to just go to bed and get some rest. You've heard that it was gonna be hot tomorrow and stuff... BTW, you had your own swimming pool. You could hear a melody around your house, but thought that it was probably just some kids that's playing around or somethin' ... But turns out you were wrong. The melody kept playing over and over again. You decided to look who or what could play it, no one was there when you looked out of your windows.

The melodi stopped. You felt a sudden cold breeze, which sent shivers down your spine. You looked around, not a single window was open. You could feel someone coming closer, but no one was there. You thought maybe you just needed sleep... So you went to bed. You felt cold and scared. More and more thoughts came into your mind, and made you scared.

[Next morning]

You woke up really tired. You haven't gotten much sleep at all, and you kept having nightmares if you got the chance to sleep. You wanted to sleep more but knew your body won't sleep anymore. So you decided to make some breakfast and get ready for the day. You felt being watched. It made you uncomfortable and unsure. A knock could be heard on your front door, it made you jump a little but then calm down.

You walked over to open, " Hello?" You looked around and saw no one. You thought it was a stupid prank small kids would play on you, but no. A small package was on your door step. You didn't know if it was another prank... But felt like it wasn't and trusted your thoughts [???]. You picked up the package and took it inside your apartment. You gently placed it on your table in the living room and began slowly to open it.

Inside was there a small music box. You took gently in the small handle and started to form a small melody. You knew the melody, it was 'pop goes the weasel'. You got a little flash back from your childhood.

Small flash back

You were playing with some of your friends in a big park. The nature was peaceful and the sun was shinning bright. But it was starting to be late and most of your friends left with their parents. You got on the swing and started slowly to hum 'pop goes the weasel'. Suddenly could you hear the real melody in the distance. You looked up and saw a tall clown. He had black, gray and white on. You got curious and slowly made your way over to the clown. " Hey kid... Want some candy?" He crouched down at your level and had a hand full of candy.

Your mom had told you many times not to take food or candy from a stranger. Yet, felt you safe around this person. " What's you name kid?" Asked the tall clown and gave a smile. " I... Um, my name is [Y/N]" Said you and got really shy. He smiled at you. You gave a small smile back, " What's your name mister?" Asked you. " I'm Laughing Jack... But you can call me Jack" He gave a small chuckle. The last things you could remember was him following you home and saying goodbye.

Flash back end

You felt like his name was still a blur in your mind... You stopped playing feeling the room getting colder around you. You sighed and got some breakfast... But you were still trying to remember the name of that person... Then it suddenly all came to you. " Jack?" Mumbled you out and turned around. There he stood, as you remembered him. " We meet again [Y/N]"

[End... Sorry if the end was really annoying. But I hoped you enjoyed it anyways. Boi]

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