E.J X Reader

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Your now extra long day of work was now over. With a sigh of relief and probably joy, drove you back home [Or took the train, buss meh]

When you came home, was it smelling like barf. You got a little nauseous from the sudden strong smell, ' What the hell? Did I forget to throw some old food out?' You thought to yourself as you made it into the house. You tried to find where the smell came from, but there was no success. The tiredness started to go over you even more and you just gave up. By opening some windows, that were good enough for you. You got quickly to bed and slept peacefully.

You didn't recognize this place. It looked friendly enough for you but probably not for other. It felt like you have been here for far to long... ' Wonder if anyone is here with me' You thought and didn't yell after someone. By walking further and exploring the area, felt you more and more watched. The path you were walking on started to be longer the more you walked on it. ' This is never gonna end, right?' You sighed and felt a little sting in your side. You looked down, but didn't see anything special. It all started to be more difficult to see in front of you and some weird fog covered everything around you.

You woke up by the smell again still in your house. With a annoyed sigh, got you up from bed and took a quick shower before heading to work again. You felt your side again where the sting came in your dream... But there wasn't anything to see. Your boss oddly called you, when you were about to get out of the house.

" Hello, its [Y/N]." You gasped when he told someone have broken into the working place and had also stolen some computers or worst. " Okay. Thanks... I'll see you this Monday then. Good bye" You screamed a little 'yes' when you realized you didn't have to work this day or weekend. You decide to get some quick breakfast somewhere, and [Drove, took the train or walked] to the place.
[Time skip]

When you finished your delicious breakfast got you home again. The smell wasn't there anymore, which was great. " Sorry for the probably awful smell. It may smell bad but tastes delicious. Hope you can understand [Y/N]" A sudden male voice could be heard in your house when you just entered. " H-hello?" You said and hoped it was just your imagination. You walked a little around and saw a guy sitting on your kitchen counter eating some organs. " W-whO THE HELL ARE YOU?!!" You yelled and defended yourself with your fists. " I'm Eyeless Jack, or... What my friends call me E.J" He just looked at you with a gentle smile. [He got his mask up, so you only can his his mouth]

" Why are you here in my house eating that? And where did you get it?" You pointed at the organ and then him. " I'm here for u. I got this from my last victim. And this is a kidney... Want some?" He asked and already knew the answer to that. " No thanks--- Wait, you are here for me? Why?" You had so many questions you wanted to ask him about. He jumped off the kitchen counter, " Let's just say... You caught my interest" He got closer to you.

With only one quick maneuver, pinned he you to the kitchen wall. " W-what... Are you doing?" You asked and was scared of what was happening. " Nothing special. Just don't get mad at me" He said and made you black out. " Sweet dreams [Y/N]" Was the only last words you could hear.

[Hope you enjoyed ;3]

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