E.J X Reader X The Puppeteer #3

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You woke up all tired and stuff, and on a bed. You started slowly to remember what happened and jolted quickly awake. That wasn't a good idea, because a strong headache came not long after [?]. You groaned and just laid down again, ' Where am I even?' You slowly looked around the room. It was filled with puppets and small extra materials. It was kinda creeping you out because, almost all of the dolls looked at you with those soulless glass eyes. You tried to move off the bed but couldn't, because you were chained to it... Yea.

The door then opened and showed Puppeteer, " Morning doll" Said he and came closer to the bed. You backed away from him, fearing what he might do or something, " No need to do that..." Said he with a more calm and gentle voice. You then also remembered your friends, " What did you do to my friends?" Asked you still staying strong, as much as you could. Puppeteer tilted his head, " Didn't we have a deal?... They kept their lives and I got you. And don't worry... They aren't my small puppets anymore" You sighed in a little relief and got more relaxed.

There was silence for a little time, which made you think deep. [ you know, when you all of a sudden think of something depressing?] You thought of maybe never seeing E.J and all the others again, and started to think it was a bad idea to let him take you away. You pulled your knees to your chest and hugged them, " Something bothering you doll?" Asked Puppeteer and was sitting in one of his chairs facing you. You shock your head and bit your lower lip. Puppeteer then turned to his desk where he started to fix some of his broken dolls.

[ To the manison we go + E.J's P.O.V:]

" I had the weirdest dream ever..." Started I and talked to Jeff. " I dreamt, that I couldn't move at all and everything was so much bigger. The Puppeteer had me and all you guys too. We all looked like dolls... And---" Jeff stopped me, " I don't think it was a dream man." Said he and sighed. " Wait... [Y/N]!" I quickly ran off and searched after her. She wasn't anywhere to be found. I started to panic a little but tried to keep my cool. " Jeff I think Puppeteer have [Y/N]" Told I him, who was still sitting on the couch chill. " I don't know man... I can't really remember much nor see" Sally then came to me and hugged me tight.

" I saw it..." Mumbled she and buried her face into my stomach. " Puppeteer told her that, if she didn't come with him, would he kill us all... He tightened the string around my neck so I couldn't breathe." She slowly began to sob. I felt bad for her and started petting her. I've decided to go after her, so I gave Sally to Jeff or something so he could cheer her up. [ Jeff not the children! xD] I then took on my mask and ran off. Even if Toby and Hoodie asked if I needed help, do I think that this is between me and The Puppeteer.

When I finally arrived by his house/ small manison, found I an open window that I could climb threw. I crawled threw and got inside. I heard a music box playing in the distance and also humming. I knew it wasn't always a good idea to follow the sounds... But I did this time, knowing that [Y/N] probably is there too.

[Back to whatever P.O.V Idk]

You sat on Puppeteer's bed watching him work on his puppets. He had eventually started a music box that played [ Your favorite song or something]. It was quite peaceful... Almost so enjoying that you started to hum with the music. Soon enough busted the door open, which made you jump in shock. You both looked over and saw E.J. " [Sup motherf**ker! jk] Hey [Y/N]... Miss me?" Asked he and went over to you, and gave you a bear hug. Puppeteer didn't seem that surprised of E.J coming to save you.

The Puppeteer slowly got up from his chair looking or more like staring at E.J, " You are no fun" He chuckled and crossed his arms. E.J just pulled you behind him, being a protective as can be. " Come on [Y/N]... We are leaving" Mumbled E.J to you and pulled your wrist. " W-wait!" " What?" Asked E.J and looked at you, " I'm kinda chained to this bed" E.J facepalmed and looked over to Puppeteer with a bruh face. " Really?" " What? I didn't want her to escape... Besides, I marked her mine anyways" E.J just growled and faced you again, pulling you close and kissing you on da lips. You blushed and didn't know what to do, " There... Now she's also mine"

[ Cough cough... End? Idk... I just didn't know what to type and ended it. Hope you enjoyed! BTW, this is probably gonna be the last chapter]

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