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A/N-Hey Guys! Hope your still sticking around here even though I haven't uploaded in AGES (I'm sorry) I WILL go back to uploading every Tuesday❤️Hope you guys like this chapter
Remember to keep on voting on each chapter it means a lot❤️

~Jimins POV~


I came out to have a walk,alone, time to think


"Eomma don't leave me!"I yelled as I watched her blood run down the living room floor,I look up at my father

His hands were covered in blood "How could you!"I yell and hug my mothers corpse

"I-I never meant to hurt her Jimin"he said in low tone

"I'm calling the Police" I said as I ran to get my phone wich was near the door as I dropped it as soon as I saw what happened


My father grabbed me by the neck and started to strangle me

"Listen to me,nothing happened here,ok?"He said and I slowly nodded

"Good boy" he added

"You will help your father hide the body and say nothing,right?"

I nodded about to pass out

You shouldn't even be called 'father'

He let go and I fell on the floor coughing trying to catch my breath

"You'll never get it away with it" I whispered

~end of flashback ~

"What am I going to do?"I said to myself

Somehow i ended up walking to my mothers grave in this secret unknown forest a few miles away from my old house

I sat next to her grave

"Eomma,I'm so so so sorry,I know I told you I would become a prosecutor so I could get Mr.Park in jail and help other cases but...this new thing with BTS is getting in the way and I don't know what to do"I said in the verge of tears

"What do I do? He is getting away with all this!"I yelled

"It's all my fault,I shouldn't have gone out that day,I should've been there to control dad coming home drunk,forgive me..."I said and bursted out in tears


I looked up and saw Suga

He held his phone next to his ear and said "don't worry jungkook,I'm with him now,we'll be home later ok?...ok bye"

I wiped the tears off my cheek

" I knew you would be here"he said and sat down next to me

"Blaming yourself again uh?"he asked and I didn't say anything

"You know it's not your fault,and you know your mum would hate to hear that you are blaming yourself for something that you couldn't stop"he said and looked over at the grave

"Karma will come to him Jimin, Don't rush time"he said

"I-I just wish I could've helped her" I whispered

"I know,I know,but you couldn't...so stop beating yourself up with that thought"he said and stood up

"Jungkook was really worried for your whereabouts,let's go"he said and I nodded


I knock on the door and immediately Jungkook opens it "Where were you? You didn't even pick up your phone,I was so worried!"he said

"He was at a cafe"Suga said

We came in the house and sat down in the living room

"So are you two like a thing now?"Suga asked and smirked

"Wha-what?!"Jungkook and I yelled and Suga laughed

"N-no..."i said

"Great! That means I can flirt with jungkookie all I want!"Suga said and smiled

"No!"I yelled and he looked at me "why not?"He asked "b-because...hmm...because...ah! because you have a girlfriend!"I said
"Right,I guess you win"he said and I smiled


"Well bye guys!"Suga said as he walked out the door

"Byee"Jungkook and I said in unison

"I heard you were really worried" I said "obviously I was worried you disappeared..."He responded

"I-I'm sorry"

"I couldn't possibly be mad at you jimin...it's just impossible"he said and went to sit on the couch and I followed right after him

"So..."Jungkook said

"So?"I asked

"We have dance practice tomorrow you haven't forgotten right?"he smiled "obviously I haven't,j-jungkook..." "yes?"

Suddenly my phone rang

"It's mr.park"I said in which he nodded

>phone call<




Mr.p-I have amazing news

Jm-what is it

Mr.p-You are getting married to Lisa!


Mr.p- don't worry this is not going to interfere with BTS but since Lisa said that you both wanted to get married from a long time ago but you felt bad for asking me I just went ahead and planned everything


Mr.p-there is no need to thank me,tomorrow after dance practice I'll take you to where the wedding will be

~Jm-Why are you trying to ruin me like this~is what I wished i could say


Mr.p-I need to go now see you Saturday

>hung up<

"What happened? You've gone pale..."Jungkook asked

"I uh...need to go early tomorrow,alone"I said

"Is that it? Ah your so dramatic"he said and laughed

"Haha I know,I'll be back" I said and went to the toilet

I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror "if I tell him what Mr.park really said I will loose him...but if I tell Mr.park that I'm gay he will cancel BTS...just when everything was calm"I sighed

"If I tell jungkook he will leave me...I will not loose him never again" I said


so I know this chapter was really bad (and the fact that I haven uploaded in ages isn't helping) but I will go back to uploading

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