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A/N-soooo i know it hasn't been a week yet but i just couldn't wait  ('-﹏-';) oh and do you like the new cover of this FF? (^o^)I really hope you like it well cya


~Sugas POV~

"He is not picking up...do you think he is ok?"Jin says as he puts down his phone "you go up and relax,I'll go to his house and see how he is,I'm sure he is fine"i respond and make my way out Jins house.

After 14minutes of walking I reach to Jimins house and knock on the door...but no response
I'm sure he is in here as the kitchen lights are on

"Jimin it's me!"I yell looking up at his bedroom window

Suddenly the door opens to show a tired chim "what happened to you? You look...dead" I spoke as I slightly laughed "I-I'm fine"He responds with a low voice "can I come in?"I ask

"Oh,yh yh"he says as he scratches the back of his head and moves to a side to let me in, he closed the door and went upstairs,I followed him to his messy room

I sat on the floor against the wall,he just fell on the bed "so,spill it out"I spoke "I can't hide anything from you can't I?"he says as he gets a pillow and puts it over his face "nope" I respond and chuckle

He sits up and looks at me "well basically...youknowthattimewhenwegotdrunkanditoldyouthatiwasgayyhturnsoutiwasntlyingandrememberwhenitoldyouqboutthosedreamsthatiwashavingaboutmebeignwithaboysoitturnsoutitwaskookie *inhales* wemeteachotheryearsagoandbecameacouplebutigotinacarcrashand-"he began to speak really fast

"Woah woah woah what?!"I said/yelled "urgh...basically..."

~jungkooks POV~

"So how are you feeling today?"Chan asked me as I came in the kitchen "a little better..." i respond, I sit on the couch and turn the tv on "not trying to ruin your mood so early but have you made your mind up with the jimin boy case?"he says as he brings two mugs of coffee and places them on the table in front of me

"No...he might have chosen Lisa over me...he hasn't made any effort to see me..."I say and take my drink

"Don't you think that he thinks that you hate him?"He says as he sits next to me "I don't hate him,I love him but-" I spoke but chan interrupted me by saying "but what? I understand he doesn't remember me and when we were all friends,but he remembers you and that says a lot don't you think?"

"Don't make me think at this time in the morning"I say and put my drink down whilst he just laughs

"Ok ok...let me call my friend,he knows a great bakery shop that have AMAZING croissants it will help you to calm down,believe me"he says and takes his phone out

"Whatever you say"I respond and laugh

~Sugas POV~

"Alright so...you are gay,I knew that, you are in a confusing relationship with kookie whom you have seen again a few months ago yet met years ago and dated at that time but you have 'forgotten' about him and all that because you got hit by a car and that made you loose your memory?"I ask

"Yh..."he responds

"Is your life a K-drama?!"I yell at him

"Very funny hyung..."he rolls his eyes and smiles

"Ok and...recently everything was going ok until you remembered Lisa is part of your life and he saw you two and decided he wasn't going to be a plan b for you.understandable. And now you are torn apart because you are 'nothing without him' am I right?"I say

"Yep..."he responds and hides his face with his hands

"This is a kind of drama Jin would watch"I respond and we laugh

"Yah! I'm serious what I'm supposed to do now?!"he yells and throws a pillow at me

"Hmm maybe you should...GO TO HIS HOUSE AND APOLOGISE?!"I say as I throw the pillow back at him

"Urgh...I would if I knew where he lived" he says and lays back on his bed

*my phone rings*





Me-how you doing?!

Chan-not bad not bad,anyways I was calling to ask where was that bakery that had those amazing croissants

Me-ooh that place,hmm,I don't really know the proper address if you want I can buy some and drop them off at yours

Chan-really?! That would be awesome

Me-oh and do you mind if I come with a friend?

Chan-Sure bring him over no problem

Me-thanks,see you after


*end of phone call*

"Who was that?" Jimin asks "ah it was my friend,do you mind if we go to a bakery and go round my friends house?"I ask

"I guess..."he sighs then runs his hand through his hair "thanks,have a shower and change I'll wait for you downstairs"I speak as I get up

"Okkkk"he replies and goes inside the bathroom

>15 mins after<

"I'm ready"jimin says as he comes down the stairs "took you long enough"I respond and laugh at Jimins irritated expression.

"Are you sure he doesn't mind if I come with you?"he ask as he sits on the couch to put his shoes on "I'm sure cmon hurry up"I respond and we head outside

>Later on<

We arrive at his house and I knock the door "Heyyy"Chan says as he opens the door "heyy"I respond,his face suddenly goes pale when he sees Jimin."y-you cant be...Jimin? Park Jimin?"He asks looking at jimin

"Uh...yes,how do you know me?"he responds nervously "um...ill tell you later, come in come in"Chan adds and let's us in

"Well where is the goods?"He says in a mischievous voice "weirdo *laughs* here they are"I respond and hand him the bag

"Yess thank youuu,I'll make something to drink stay here and have a some with me"He says, I look over at jimin who was right behind me and he nods "ok"I respond at chan

"Cool,my friend is upstairs taking a shower he will be down here in any minute"he says as he pours coffee in 3 white mugs

"Alright let's go to the living room and drink it there,it's much more relaxing"he adds "ok"jimin and I respond at the same time and follow chan to the living room

We sit on different couches "so jimin tell me more about you...like are you singl-ouch!" I kick chans leg and roll my eyes "I'm Kidding I'm kidding" he says and we laugh

"Sorry I took so lon-"Jungkook suddenly comes downstairs but freezes when he sees Jimin,



Uuuuuu so jimin and jungkook are together but what's going to happen?
Hope you are ready for the next chapter


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