The Break-Up

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There was no sound in the dark hotel room, complete silence except for the soft cries of a young man who laid almost lifeless in the bed. He was still in a daze due to what happened today, he still couldn't bring himself to actually believe what happened. Today wasn't supposed to be like this for him, he was supposed to be happy today and in his lover's arms not crying alone in the hotel room waiting for this misery to end.


"Kongpop" Arthit said looking down at his feet.

"Yes, P'Arthit" kongpop replied casually.

"Let's end here", Arthit said still not looking at the younger boy. He couldn't face him.

"What do you mean?" Kongpop was looking at his phone and appeared disinterested.

" I mean let's break up kongpop, I don't want to date you anymore, let's end it here" Arthit replied, he was finally looking at the younger boy still not able to hold his eye contact for a long time. Arthit didn't know what to do, it was his first breakup after all and kongpop his first love but he knew he was doing the right thing.

"Is this some kind of joke Arthit, why do you want to break up with me, now of all time?" Kongpop looked slightly annoyed with the sudden announcement by Arthit.

" Does it look like I'm joking, I'm saying this the last time WE ARE OVER kongpop, please let's just have a mutual and civil breakup and move on with our lives. I'm going now" Arthit said with using all his courage and looked at Kongpop one last time as if to pleading him to say something anything but the latter didn't say a word.

Yes, he wanted to break up but he knew in that moment if kongpop actually tried to stop him, he might actually give in and would have stayed in the brown-eyed boy's life, but Kong didn't and this hurt him even more.

So he just rushed out of the restaurant and looking back at the restaurant for one last time he saw HER, the girl she was sitting in Arthit's chair and kongpop was talking to her. He still couldn't believe it kongpop didn't say a word to Arthit when he broke up with him but was talking to this girl not even seconds after he left.

Well, at least he knew what worth he held in kongpop's life and walked all the way to his hotel room.

** End of flashback**

Arthit was crying tonight, well he broke up with his first lover today but that was not the only reason, for the first time in his life he was not feeling confident with himself

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Arthit was crying tonight, well he broke up with his first lover today but that was not the only reason, for the first time in his life he was not feeling confident with himself.

Was he really that unworthy of someone's love, was he not good enough to be loved by someone wholeheartedly, was he not good looking enough or maybe his bad temper was so scary towards others but only he didn't realise it, Will he ever be able to move on and actually find someone who will love him for the way he actually is and can actually see how much he also care about people and love them inside that tough exterior that he put on.

But most importantly why was kongpop, not able to fall in love with him like he did with kongpop, he gave his everything to him his love, his care, his soul, his body yes even his body how stupid can he be, he thought. Even his everything wasn't enough to make kong fall in love with him when all it took Arthit to fall in love was his puppy eyes oh those damn puppy eyes how stupid was he to believe them.

He should have known better how could he mistake all his teasings, gestures and other things for love, and well it wasn't like that the type of love Arthit was hoping for actually exist, how could he just believe his junior's words, he out of all people should have known what a gentleman kongpop was and how nice he was to everyone, how could he mistake his kindness and infatuation for love. He was nothing more than an experience or experiment in kongpop's life and stupid Arthit fell in love.

But now he knew everything he needed to know and can't continue this play anymore.

Yes, he was done with Kongpop Suthiluck. He was nothing more than a junior to him now.

He repeated the sentence to himself over and over again to actually get it registered to his head. He knew it hurt like hell but he can't put anyone above his self-respect, he can't let anyone make him feel shitty about himself even if the person doing so was his love and boyfriend. He needed to stand up for himself. How can he expect others to respect him and love him if he let kongpop do this to him? No, he can't, loving another person doesn't mean giving them the right to do make him feel worthless about himself.

Yes, He needed to move on and love himself and Maybe then find someone who was worthy of his love and him and someone he can also love as much he loved kongpop.

With these thoughts in his mind, he slowly cried himself to sleep and yet again there was complete silence in the room accompanied by the complete darkness just like what Arthit was feeling in his life.


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