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IT SHOWED eight.

I hardly opened my eyes because I did not enjoy my bedtime at all like a blink of an eye. I narrowed my sight around and soon questioned myself. Besides it was so heavy to lift up my hand to wipe my eyes, I also wondered about the walls which clearly did not belong in my room as I caught several monitors on the left side. The tube light on the ceiling was much brighter than what my bedroom had. Every inch of this chamber creeped me out until I shivered. But that was not the only thing startling me, I found out that my body was only covered by a thin blanket with no cloth wrapped.

I was shocked but I could not get up no matter how hard I pushed myself. I was panicking. I tried to shout but I could only whisper. My unstable vision caught a figure of a tall sturdy man standing next to the only door here. He glared at me with stony eyes and silence. Meanwhile, I wished I could just run away to where I used to stay. This was the weakest moment that I had ever had. I forced my eyes to shut down again, then I thought if it was just another nightmare I barely slumbered.


I woke up quickly.

Unlike that hideous dream, I easily got up, threw my back away from the bed, and rested my body by the arms behind my back. I took a deep breath while wondering how that very short dream was so tiring even though I could not even move a bit except moving my eyes there. What was even more bothering was that the clock on the wall still pointed to twelve past eleven, which was just minutes away since I fell asleep.

It was strange, as it felt totally like reality, and it was no different than this unless the movement I made as I was frozen there, stuck by something I did not know yet. This reminded me of something related to sleep paralysis, which was a feeling of being conscious but unable to move. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep. During these transitions, I was unable to move or speak for a few seconds up to a few minutes. But it was a wrong description as I wasn't here on my bed. I was somewhere else, in a cold chamber with strong illumination surrounding it.

I sipped some water on the bedside table before going back to sleep. I made myself comfortable by fixing the blanket position to cover me from neck to toe but after I slumbered, what I did not expect happened again.


It is half past eight, whether in the morning or evening, I have not figured it out. I was in the same room in the previous dream but this time I remained calm to wonder what kind of dream it would be. The figure next to the door was not there anymore, he probably ran because he was able to and was as frightened as I was when our eyes met.

After inhaling sedately, I was able to move my head side to side slowly. It felt so heavy to just shift my sight a bit from right to left, but I got stronger and afterwards I went placid. Every breath I took built me more energy to move.

The room looked like a laboratory as neoteric as in science fiction movies. I saw numbers I did not understand on the monitors on the wall to my left, while on the other side there was a table with medical equipment. I recognized that I was still in a strange glass capsule which could be told by how uncomfortable it was compared to my bed. My body was naked with a thin cloth covered up as before, but I spotted my arms and legs were tied strongly and there was some device with functions I did not know yet attached to my skin. What I could assume was this bedstead connected to the machine on the left including those screens.

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