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"WHAT DO you mean?" Dr. Steve chuckled, he threw some laughter and a pat on my shoulder several times to indirectly tell me that it was unbelievable. "Did you just say that you have been waking up in someone's body?"

"I know it sounds ridiculous," I squinted my eyes but somehow I faked a smile. Of course he would not believe what I just uttered. "I thought it was my imagination, though."

"No doubt it was!" said Dr. Steve, but I saw something strange in his action. He reached his nape hair, laid some scratches that meant a sign of nervousness, or hesitation, or lies. That just told me that he actually expected this before. "Look, you just have to get some refreshment."

I did not respond, as he was ignoring the truth to keep me believing I was just dreaming for all this long. Or was there any possibility that he actually had no idea about this case? That he was just given the injection and it was supposed to lessen the pain of my sickness, and someone who gave it was the one who planned this, to activate DC-95 by being controlled from someone who had been shot.

"Alright," I said, even though I did not give up yet to find out if this was something wrong at the moment. I thought for a while, then I asked him at the end, to find out the man behind all of this. "Dr. Steve, can I ask again?"

"Sure, Carlouise. What do you need to know?" he said softly.

"Who gave you the serum?"

"What serum?"

"The one that you injected me with last month."

"Oh! I thought I had told you."

"Had you?" I tried to remember, no name had glanced in my mind.

"Yes, I told you that my colleague in Staten Island gave this to you," he said briefly, he showed no more doubt for being spotted, which meant he was probably innocent about the case. If he tried to make me think it was only my imagination, he would not have acted this honest. He would have made up some new story to make me believe that it was just a fantasy created in my head for each slumber that I did.

"What's his name?" I asked again. The creator of DC-95 was a mad man, Claire's old father, Professor Montgomery. He could be the one who made the formula as well as his secret district was based in Staten Island, undercover as a genetic facility. They probably knew each other, even though there was a possibility that he asked someone to give it to Dr. Steve. But why me? Maybe I was just accidentally chosen.

"Albus," he said. "He is a not so well known pharmacist in New York City."

"Albus... Montgomery?" I tried to make sure if we were talking to the same person.

"How did you know?" he said. He looked confused. "Yes, he is known as Professor Montgomery."

"I told you, it was not only my imagination," I said. I still tried to make him believe it. "I met him in my dreams, I automatically wake up there every single time I fall asleep, and I wake up as someone he knows."

"That's... very strange," mumbled Dr. Steve, he seemed to be wondering a lot of things in his head as I saw he was making many questions to ask me later that I could tell so from his bright eyes. "Are you sure that was just not a coincidence? Like maybe your brain unconsciously makes things up to look so."

"I am very sure of what is happening to me right now, Doctor," I assured. "There were also other incidents that matched my dreams. They are not some fantasy."

"Wow..." he was amazed. "Maybe... You have some special ability that makes you able to see what's happening? Like a seer?"

"No, not really," I shook my head. "It is not like that I am able to predict things or see some prophecies or have many eyes all over the world. I am telling you, it is like I wake up in another body every time I sleep, and everything I see there, is truly happening."

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