"Okay, but it's just us. Nobody is around, nobody can see us." He listed before looking down at his dog, Sophie. "She's waiting too."

I sighed and pulled my brows together "But what if-"

"What if what? You have forgot to swim? Then I'll teach you! If you don't want to get out of the shallow end then so be it. If we spend most of the time holding the sides just kicking your legs then shit, it's an achievement." He answered honestly.

My heart ached listing to his commitment in helping me on the road to full recovery. I owed him this, to at least try and get some form of physical therapy under way. Maybe then my leg won't hurt so quickly when I was stood up.

"Okay. Okay fine, but you can't throw or push me in. I walk in." I stated.

He nodded excitedly before walking around the pool to the shallow end and where the steps were too.

Slowly, we began to enter the pool, before submerging ourselves. My hands gripped the pool edge tightly, determined not to let it go whilst Billy swam a few lengths and returned to my side.

"Ready?" He asked making me shake my head.

"No. What if I can't kick quick enough, an old broken leg with wasted muscle is useless?"

"Then we work on it." He smiled.

I narrowed my eyes "I'm banning you from watching any hospital programmes from here on out."

His laugh was what made me kick my legs in a hope he would swallow some water..


"For someone who didn't want to get in.. You won't get out now." Billy chuckled as I stayed against the pool edge.

"It's because I'm exhausted! What have you done to me?" I panted.

"Nothing. We actually did some exercise with those legs."

"I feel like Jelly.." I mumbled trying to discreetly pull myself up and out. But I failed...


"Do you want a hand?" He asked drying himself off with a towel.

"No, I will do it." I prayed.

I was almost out when hands when under my arms and I was lifted out with ease, ready to release some verbal abuse over it, I looked up to a goofy smile.

"I got burgers." Aaron stated followed by his laugh before running off into Billy's house.

"I- how?" I asked catching a towel Billy had tossed to me.

"Well he lets himself in. Normally through the front door but he has scaled my back wall before now." He answered.

I looked over to the wall in question and shook my head "How did I end up with you all?"


"No.. Come on Aaron stop." Billy complained as he watched me eat my second burger with hamster cheeks. "She's just done cardio in the pool,- stop!"

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