16 and pregnant

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Have you ever watched the TV show called Teen mom or 16 and pregnant? Id be surprised if you haven't. They are really popular. Well anyways this is my teen pregnancy story.

It's the first day of Summer vacation. Thank goodness, I thought if I was gonna be stuck in school any longer I would just die. I'll be starting my sophomore year in high school. I wake up to the smell of my mom making breakfast.

"Wow that smells good" I tell my mother as I sit down at the bar. I put my fingers threw my wavy long blond hair. "gracias" my mother says in Spanish as she handed me a plate of food which was eggs, bacon toast and grits "mmm my favorite" I says in my Puerto Rican accent. As Im eating my phone starts to ring "ugh" I says out loud.

Its my boyfriend Miguel "hey baby" I says " Oye niña, me preguntaba si quería salir esta noche?" "Miguel, you know I don't speak good Spanish, and I don't understand it very well either" I says. You see yes I am Puerto Rican, but Im only half Puerto Rican, my dad is White. "I said hey baby girl I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight? I roll my eyes " why couldn't you just text me that...I thought it was important...Im eating breakfast I'll call you later" I says hanging up.

After eating breakfast I kiss my mother on the cheek " thank you for the food. Im gonna go take a shower" I says running up the spiral staircase to my bedroom. I go to my closet and pick out an outfit for today. Black leggings and a white shirt with a red heart in the middle that hung off 1 shoulder. I call Miguel back.

"So what are we doing tonight?" I asked "You know you really need to learn Spanish" he says "cállate o te voy a patear el culo" which means shut up or I'll kick your ass I says to him "we are in America speak English" I roll my eyes. " Anyways their is a party at Santiago's...his parents is away on summer vacation and said it was ok to throw a party" Miguel says "ok babe what time are you picking me up then? I ask " About 10 and then all of us is gonna go back to my place and watch some movies" he says "who's us? I asks "You, me, JJ, Xavier, Jamauhl, and Kris" Miguel says. JJ, Jamauhl, and Kris is Miguel's bestfriends. "ok I'll see you then" I says before hanging up. I spend the day watching movies and eating pop corn in our theatre we have at home.

"Wake up sleepy head" Miguel says. I slowly open my eyes and sit up. "Hey babe" I says giving him a kiss and getting up "I'll be ready in a sec" I says going to the bathroom and brushing and flossing my teeth. then I grab my red purse. "lets go" I says heading to the door "mom Im leaving I'll see you tomorrow" I yell leaving the house.

(Hey guys check out my new book called 16 and pregnant (Sasha's story) also check out my book called because I love him about an abusive relationship and also in remaking my book called mask that I did years ago and deleting it, if your new its about this teen whose parents abuse him and he gets bullied at school, he turns to drugs and self harm for an escape, when his life finally gets out of control a girl named Angel rescues him and helps him get on the right path....but its not easy! So please stay tuned and comment like and follow for more updates!)

16 and pregnantOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz