Chapter Eighty Five ~ Monkey's Ass

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Caitlin's P.O.V

                One week left. That's all there is left of the Brave tour. I really can't believe it. I feel like just yesterday we were just kicking off the Brave tour in April. It's been about six months. Of course we aren't going to be on break just yet. We have to work with the charity, which I have successfully been able to get Cher Lloyd involved. We've become friends since the X Factor, but we haven't been able to see much of each other due to never seeing each other. I think that we are also going to be heading over to Japan, but I'm not so sure about that. That Skype session with Nathan and George was confusing. I'll have to ask Dylan about it.

                But anyway, I honestly can't believe that the tour will be over in seven short days. Well, they won't be short. We've got an interview scheduled for every other day, and then we have a concert on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and then the last show is on Saturday. I'm gonna be so sad when it ends, but we have a week break afterwards. I've already bought my ticket to go back home, and I think Julie is going back to Colorado, but I think that Liz is making a quick pit stop wherever the hell Niall is. It'll be like... the day after his birthday so they can celebrate then. Maybe I should stop by and see Louis? I'd love that, but no one can know that we agreed to take things slowly and see where it goes.

                I think that it'll be great though. I've always had feelings for Louis, but I never knew how much he liked me. But now that I know that he feels the same way, I can't help but get excited. I probably sound like such a girl, but I can't help it. I wish I could take back all the time I gave to Marty to give to Louis. I was such an idiot and I'm so glad that he stuck around long enough for me to realize it.

"Caitlin, c'mon we need to get to the airport." Liz said, snapping me out of my thoughts. How did I not notice the panic in the room.

"Why? What's going on?" I asked, looking at the blonde haired girl.

"The girl that's letting Ben and Gale adopt her child went into labor. We've got to get Gale and Ben to the airport so they can get to Florida." Liz said.

                I couldn't help but smile, thinking of the new person that'll join us. I do love kids, so having Ben and Gale adopt a child is amazing. I hope the baby will be able to come on the tour with us. That would be so amazing oh god, I think I'd cry. Okay, I need to calm down with this baby stuff. Before I know it I'll be popping them out of myself if I get to excited.


"Okay, so do you think I should write a letter in the back. I don't know, nevermind that's kind of stupid. But the pictures were sent in and Dylan should get them  by tomorrow. I'm so excited about this, thanks so much for this idea." Liz said, looking at me. I laughed and told her it was no problem.

                On the drive back from the airport we stopped at some craft store, similar to Michaels in America, and Liz bought a really pretty photo album. She was flipping through the blank pictures, telling me where she was planning on putting the pictures. She was also telling Julie, but Julie got bored and went off to call Johnny. He was staying in the hotel while we decided to stay in the bus. But I was being a great friend and I was listening to Liz ramble on and on.

"Oh and in the back, I'm going to put two tickets so he could fly home. What do you think?" Liz asked, looking at me.

"That's a great idea, he's gonna love it. So... did you decide what you are going to do about the whole sex thing?" I asked, making her cheeks turn red.

"Oh god, no I haven't. Can we please stop talking about this. I need to think more about it." Liz said, closing the album.

"Okay, okay, okay. No need to get pissy. I think I'm gonna go on Twitter for a little while." I said, the last part to myself more then to Liz.

                I pulled out my phone and went to my bunk, plopping down. I opened the app and started reading through my mentions. I laughed at a few brave guys that tweet me at times, replying with something equally flirty. Of course I'm kidding, but if it makes them happy I don't mind doing it. It costs nothing to reply to tweets.

                I also got the usual 'I love you' or 'you're my inspiration'. I love those tweets because it really shows me how much our fans care. I love them so much and I love to see them returning the favor. I replied to those tweets, saying that I love them too or cute stuff like that. I even retweeted some stuff and sent a few tweets out to celebrities. I was mostly spamming Liz's Twitter, but she probably won't see it. She get's tons of tweets a day.

                But after a good hour or so I was bored, and I left Twitter. I had no clue what to do until we had to leave for our concert tonight. It's the last one till Wednesday. I don't like having Sunday night concerts. Especially because Monday's are the next day. And I hate Mondays. They are like a monkey's ass. Just kidding... they are worse than that.

"Caitlin, so I never got the chance to ask you. What do you think of Harry calling Julie?" Liz asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know, I think it's kind of stupid. I mean they are so right for each other but they just won't believe it. I honestly don't get why they can't see it. If I were him I'd jump him. Shit, don't tell Louis I said that." I said, laughing a bit.

"I won't, and I'd do the same thing! She just doesn't even know how lucky see is." Liz said.

"Lucky? Says the girl that's been in a stable relationship for about two years now. But yeah, I guess you're right." I said, sighing.

"Well, I'm sure she'll realize it eventually. But what do you think of Johnny? Don't get me wrong, I like him. He's a total sweetheart, but he's not right for her. Well, that's my opinion anyway." Liz said, looking up at me.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I like Johnny too, a lot. He's such a great guy, but he's no Harry. I don't know though, I guess we'll see what happens."


There's the chapter! I hope you like it, even though it's bit short.

So I need to tell you something important.

I got through most of which I needed to for this book. So there forth, it'll be ending sooner than I had said. It'll be ending in five chapters. I'm sorry for telling you so late, but I had planned it out and all I need are five chapters. Unless I drag it out. But I'm sure you don't want that.

So with that said, there are only five chapter.

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil' Gummy Worms!

~Amanda<3 xXx

 --Pic on the side of Caitlin. Ariana Grande is so pretty, ugh, it's just not fair.

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