Chapter Fifty Nine ~ Credit Cards and Worries

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Liz's P.O.V

"Our nails look absolutely perfect. But you didn't have to pay Liz, I could've." Maura said.

                I waved her off, telling her that she was letting me stay at her place and feeding me. Luckily that got her to finally accept it. I didn't mind paying for them, it wasn't that much. I had exchanged the money I had with me, which was American, so I was able to actually pay. I had traded in it when I hung out with Niall and a few of his other friends.

                But now that the spa day is over, and Niall had texted me saying that the game ended and their team one, we were meeting for dinner. The place that everyone had picked isn't fancy, thank god. It's not like I wouldn't mind going someplace fancy, but I just don't want to have to go and change. I really don't have another fancy outfit to wear. Unless I were to wear that blue dress again.

                I'm not sure which restaurant they had all picked, but they said it was an old favorite. We had driven in Denise's car and we had to pick up Theo from her mothers. It wasn't that much of a drive because they lived closer to the spa than Maura.

                I was sitting in the back, so when Theo was placed in his car seat I couldn't help but play with him a little bit. He was so cute! I love babies so much. I don't really know anyone else with a baby besides Lou and Lux. But Lux is getting so much older already, it's hard to believe how big she has gotten. Anyway, her and Theo are pretty much the only babies I know. So I have to make the most of it until I have my own family. Which won't be for years. Or... well... Toby and Kimmy could get married. And then they'd have kids and I'd be an Aunt! I should talk to Toby about that...

"Here we are! Do- Aw, Liz, you're so good with babies." Denise said, looking back. I laughed and pulled my hand away from Theo, who was playing with my thumbs.

"Thanks, I love babies so much and Theo is just so adorable." I cooed, tickling his little cheek. He laughed and moved away, making me laugh as well.

                But sadly we needed to get out of the car to get into the restaurant. Well not sadly, because I am really hungry. As I got out of the car I made sure I had my credit card in my back pocket. I was never really one for a purse so I keep most of my things in my back pockets. I did have my credit card so I sighed with relief. If I had forgotten it we would have had a problem.

                The warm air was now beginning to grow colder and I crossed my arms, rubbing them up a little bit. I heard Maura say that the guys were up at the front door and I looked up, spotting them. Well, Niall was wearing a bit of a disguise. I'm guessing that he was spotted by some fans or something. I told Maura and Denise, who was getting Theo out of his car seat, that I'd be up there with them. Once they had nodded and said that it was fine, I walked over to them.

                Niall laughed and my cold state and started shrugging of his jacket. By the time I had finally gotten to them Niall had his arms up, helping me into the jacket. I thanked him and he nodded, leaning down and kissing my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he laughed, wrapping his arms around me.

"Cold much? You'd think you'd be used to it with the weather in London." Niall laughed, kissing the top of my head. I shook my head, laughing and pulled away, taking his hand.

Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee ElUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum